Chapter 3

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Hades knows who his mate is. It is the 'princess' of the angel land. But is his information correct?

No, it's not.

He never tried to double check if the information given to him is accurate, authentic or not. And no one else knows it. But they know one thing. When jungkook will meet his mate, his dragon would try to break free. Because he knows his mate clearly. But he wants to embarras his human and have some entertainment too.
(Hope you haven't forgot the dragon thingy! But if you're new. I'll repeat it again. Jungkook will be having a dragon like a spiritual animal you can say? Hope you got a rough idea.)

Jungkook is being stubborn of not having a mate. He thinks he can rule the underworld without a queen being necessary. But at some point we all need companions in our lives. This is what his brothers and in his
brother- in- law are trying to tell him.

He magically listened to them too. Because he observed that when a meeting is held to discuss problems and re- write or adjust the laws and schemes, the people always seem to hesitate when it comes to some matters. Which usually concerns the queen. Keeping that in mind, he made a decision to go and bring his queen to where 'she' belongs.

Later sometime:

Jungkook and his army is ready to bring their queen home. They are esthetic about meeting the queen. Even jungkook is, but he won't show it. His pride is bigger than the feeling of excitement.

Jungkook didn't have a proper plan on what he's gonna do to bring 'her' to underworld. He just knows he's gonna bring 'her' by hook or by crook. With that being said the army started marching towards the angel land.

Jungkook had his cape which made him invisible to people. Firstly, he doesn't like leaving his underworld yet he's doing it just for his supposed- to- be- mate. They should be grateful. And secondly, he doesn't like showing himself to others. Especially not his dear enemy.

After long long hours of traveling they were finally at the border of the angel land. They were never allowed there and they followed it. But now, the situation is different. It is mandatory for him to enter it. With that being said he entered the border. He's sure there he'll meet with humiliation. But for his people's sake and somewhere for his sake he'll take it.

When they went inside the castle/ palace. It was not like the guards didn't stop them or fight them. They did but being angels made them a bit frail even with their built body. And hades army being full of demons who'll kill people without a single thought made them better than angels.(I'm not biasing anyone. Just the plot. Sorry if I hurt anyone.)

Jungkook went inside the palace/ castle finding the 'princess'. He was grateful to his cape for hiding him when he found his supposed- to- be- 'queen'. Because she was indeed beautiful but the way she carried herself and presented? He didn't find her attractive one bit. And shockingly he didn't feel his spirit animal; his dragon trying to break to meet his soulmate too.

At that moment he understood that the manerless "princess" was not and never will be his mate. He sighed in relief. If she would be his mate, he would kill himself already.

After realizing that his mate is the angel king's second child.(He didn't knew the gender as he never really cared.) He went from hallways after hallways but to no avail. At the end he went towards a ground like place. Curiosity getting the best of him. He peeked inside just to find it to a training ground. He laughed at it. The angels couldn't even fight him yet had a training ground? What a joke. But his laughter halted when he felt his heartbeat race and his dragon try to break free. It was that moment he knew his mate is here.

He looked among those people like a mad man. And when his eyes landed on the beautiful creature. Sorry ethereal creature, he knew he was blessed with the best. He was jumping in delight like a kid getting his favorite candy or toy. He was on cloud nine.

Then he observed his mate. Beautiful deep eyes that can make you lost in the deepness and galaxies it holds. Yet eyes sharp. His cheek chubby yet having a perfect jawline. Plump luscious lips and hair falling freely on his eyes covering them. How can someone be so ethereal he should be banned for being so ethereal! He just wants to jump on his mate and keep him in his arms forever, giving him every happiness and joy he deserves. His mate is so fucking precious.

He admired his mate till he felt new presence around him making him alert. He looked around just to know its his brothers. He sensed that they were trying to find him. So he revealed himself a bit and in seconds his brothers were beside him. Namjoon was the first one to question as yoongi is a lazy cat. He enquired,

"Did you find the 'princess'? She's your mate, isn't she?"

He shook his head in response and his brothers wanted to find every God and smack them. Who the fucking hell is their brother's mate for fucks sake! They were frustrated. They had to do so much convincing just to have a queen and now, they got to know it's not the princess, the who is it?

To calm their curiosity they finally asked it. Now, it was yoongi. He said/ asked,

"If it's not the princess then who is it? Or is it even here?"

And when jungkook nodded his head. They wanted to kiss everyone(Not namjoon or jin will make him sleep on the couch.) After doing a small victory dance in their head they proceeded with their interrogation. Yoongi continued,

"Who is it then? And why are you standing here? Is it here somewhere?"

After finishing his questions they started looking at the grounds just to find 'men' practicing.

But when jungkook again nodded his head, they were stunned. Like what?!
A/n: Hello everyone! Finally another one done. I'm sorry if I won't update frequently because I gotta study n I'm very lazy so... Anyways how was it? Is it like a cliffhanger? Is it interesting you to read more?
Want me to add something or fix it? Lemme know!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading!

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