Chapter 15

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It has been two months since the war. Many things changed after the war. But not exactly after that. After a month.

What exactly happened? Firstly yoongi proposed jimin. Oh, so romantically that even eros would be left speechless. It wasn't grand but sweet and small. But the words and actions of yoongi made hundred times better.

Yoongi pretended to ask jimin for a picnic in the garden and as planned they went. It was sunny and both were resting when yoongi excused himself to use the washroom. After coming back he pulled jimin with him. Rambling about something he saw and how it reminded of him.

They stopped in front of a tree. It was lit with fairy lights(as underworld has darkness) and it had lots of his photos or even yoonmin's, vmin's, jikook, or seven of them. Various types of pics were there. He grew overwhelmed. He turned around to ask yoongi what in the Gods name is going on when he saw his mate on one knee with velvet box showing a dazzling ring. And there he proposed his love of his life.

Jimin obviously said yes. The other six which includes Becky g as she grew close to the seven males was present there. Witnessing the most heart warming moment.

Taehyung was wailing like a baby about how his soulmate would not pay attention to him anymore. And then grumbled about being hungry. The others were dumbfounded.

And that was the start of his mood swings. Which were out of this world. Even a girl on her period would be better than him. And sometimes arguing with him was like arguing with a toddler who wouldn't listen to you and continue being stubborn. And he would start crying if not given whatever he asked for.

Now, that two months passed. It was morning. Jungkook was listening to the calm heartbeats of his love and observing his breathtaking features. But then he suddenly froze. Eyes wide and jaw dropped.

He heard three heartbeats. Is it what he is thinking? Is it really true? He wanted to jump and shout in happiness if it's true. Just to be sure he pulled himself towards taehyung's tummy. Pressing his ear towards the clothed tummy. And then...

He heard it clearly. The small lil heartbeat. And tears already formed in his eyes. He immediately up to taehyung's and kissed his forehead. Murmuring a,

"Thank you baby. You made me happiest. Thank you for such a wonderful gift. I love you, love"

When taehyung went to his bath. He gathered others and told them about what he heard and his assumptions. And then, they connected the dots and now, they were sure. They decided to surprise their lil bean.

The bottoms being better at it than tops started digging ideas to tell taehyung the good news.

They decided to tell him when they'll watch movie at night. As it's weekend and their bonding time. With that being said taehyung came out of his bath and others went to their tasks.

The bottoms were talking about things when jin, and jimin pointed out his behavior being weird. Then taehyung went into deep thinking and realized it's true.

Being a doctor had its own perks and Jin used them fully. He gave taehyung a small bottle like thing and told him to pee on it. So, that he could run tests on them and then he'll(jin) will let him( tae) know. He agreed and did as he was told.

After that taehyung felt dizzy and throwing up. He threw up and the other bottoms tucked him in bed.

They brought pregnancy tests and followed the instructions. As time passed the lines appeared. The bottoms squealed like no tomorrow.

At night:

The seven males along with Becky g had their movie night. After two movies they were chit chatting and having their and drinks prepared by the tops.

Jin was the first one to speak about the gift. He spoke,

"Tae, baby. We have a gift for you."

Taehyung squealed oh, so adorably that everyone's heart melted at the sight of his precious boxy smile and star filled eyes. Taehyung always loved gifts. You wanna give him a gift? Never ever hesitate.

Jin came with a medium size box. And kept infront of taehyung. While jungkook who was beside him was dying of nervousness. As if he's the one who was pregnant?!

Taehyung untied the rope and in a swift motion opened the box. First there were baby shoes. Then came onesie. And then came the real deal. All this while taehyung didn't understand why they were giving him this. Like if he was pregnant he would know right? Right?!

Then came the pregnancy test. He took it out and it had two lines. Signifying whose ever this pregnancy test was pregnant. But he didn't take it then who was it?

Who the fuck is it?!

He was now starting to get irritated. Everyone noticed and then they understood it didn't go as planned. They sighed. Jin and jimin shared a look and nodded. Then suddenly screamed,

"Dumbass (tae) you're the one who's pregnant!"

Then he realized, his sudden dizziness, throwing up, headaches. He then let out a surprised 'oh'. And they all face palmed together. In sync.

Then he broke out in the biggest boxy smile ever. Then squealed loudly. Jumping in glee. And jungkook almost suffered a heart attack at the view of taehyung jumping with the baby in his belly.

He gently scooped taehyung in his arms and gently explained him not to jump. He then proceeded with showing love to his both babies. And taehyung was on cloud nine.

Everyone was happy with seeing the youngest ones happy. The bottoms for a moment felt bad for not being able to conceive but their partners were there to make them feel better about themselves. And just like that a happy night night ended.
A/n: Hello dear readers. Only one chapter left. I'm not thinking about writing the whole epilogue. Maybe minor changes but nothing more than that. Hope you liked the chapter!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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