Kim Taehyung

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When the ground was covered by a white thick blanket of snow. A baby's cry was heard in the angel land. The king and queen just had their first baby boy.

Looking ethereal since birth. Big doe puppy eyes, plump luscious lips, round bread cheeks with a hue of pink almost permanent. Glowing like a true angel. That was Kim taehyung.

He grew up as a total fluff ball. Cuteness that may give you diabetes. Heart as big and deep as ocean. Eyes holding millions of galaxies in them. With one boxy smile he can take your breath away. That was Kim taehyung to the angel land.

Park Jimin is the son of a servant. A cute lil mochi. The only friend of taehyung in the palace/ castle. He did have a elder sister Kim Ava but she didn't liked him. Saying he's childish and she's a adult now. She used to always shoo him away.

Kim Ava was a devil in disguise of an angel. Always filled with hatred towards taehyung and almost everything. Comparing everything with her brother. Being stubborn of wanting to have everything she wishes like; make- up, clothes, accessories, etc. Everything she laid eyes on, she wants it. And if not given the angel land would have deaf ears because of her high- pitched annoying voice. She comes into the "spoilt princess", though she doesn't even act like a princess. But that's for another time.

Ava is oblivious to the 'mate' thingy. She doesn't know it exists but it does. She ain't a God like taehyung. Just a normal angel. One more reason for her hating him.

Their parents have never differentiated between them. Giving them equal love. But, since their puberty age, seems like they preferred taehyung more. Not just because he's a God and should respected and loved but also because he's loving, caring and respecting. Unlike his sister who doesn't even know what is respect, love and care. She's just a selfish bitch(sorry but the character is that way. I don't mean to offend anyone.)

Taehyung is now twenty. Ethereal just like always. His eyes captivating, cheeks soft and chubby yet subtly chubby, his lips grew more plump. Tall and not so built yet not so feminine. Having curves at proper places. That is Kim taehyung. He's a special male. Special why? Because he can give birth. He's aware about the 'mate' thingy and also the do's and don'ts.

He and jimin are now platonic soulmates. Being with each other at every stage of life. They have a "Through thick and thin we go" relationship. Taehyung's mother died due to drowning. But how did she drown? Was still unknown to him. His dad never tried to find a lady to be beside him. His mate was his one and only companion. No one, I mean NO one could take her place. Be it either physically or emotionally. Taehyung would always be left in awe seeing his father. He absolutely loves the bond between his parents and wishes to have one.

Maybe soon. But when he does won't his life turn upside down?
A/n: Hello everyone! So wanted to say something. That underworld is gonna be dark but will be having day and night. The only difference will be the intensity of the sun. Like in angel land the sun is strong as they need light. But in underworld it's not gonna be as light. And it will be like earth. Means it will have normal shops, malls, hospitals, etc. Hope you the idea? N how was the part? Did y'all like it?

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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