Chapter 5

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Jungkook was known to be stubborn. He was not someone who was easy to deal with. Though he was calm, when you will press a wrong button you wouldn't even know. And now it was between taekook. The demons would get a good show but for the angels it was more of a dreading one. They don't wanna loose their guardian angel.

Jungkook listened to him but didn't show himself. He's not a coward of course. But he doesn't like when unnecessary people see him. And right now, knowing hades is here there is a big crowd just to see him.

But taehyung wasn't having it. If the person wants him, he atleast needs to see him. He became furious when hades didn't show himself. So, he roared. He almost screamed,"Show yourself. Mother fucker!" He screamed in his deep voice. Everyone froze.

Jungkook felt the need to show himself before something happened. Much to his annoyance, he showed himself. But. Slowly, painfully slow.

First his long ink colored raven hair. Which were messy and curled. While his brothers were on the verge of fainting seeing him showing himself. While taehyung? He felt like hades was truly one sinful man. Giving him unholy thoughts.

Then his eyes. Oh, those eyes. They were like a black hole. Attracting you to drown yourself in them. His raven hair falling on his eyes almost covering them. Taehyung was lost. He was enchanted by those beautiful eyes.

Then came his whole face. His lips were thin. Upper lip almost invisible. A beautiful mole under the lower lip. Then his well built chest. It looked so hard and many people were already drooling. Then he came out fully. His right hand full of ink. The black ink having its own secrets to tell.

Standing tall and proud, towering everyone. There stood hades. The most feared man of all times. Wearing black shirt with upper two buttons unbuttoned. And sleeves folded. Accompanied by black tight jeans. Looking more sinful if possible.

Taehyung was already a goner. He has almost already popped a boner. But it was not the time to pop a boner. Hence, he kept his hormones in check.

Meanwhile ava? She was shamelessly checking him(jungkook) out. Openly drooling on him. She didn't knew the man she was obsessed with was this handsome and muscular. Her mind drifted to 'how would he be in bed?' Having a daze look on her face her mind went on fantasizing the man in front of her.

Jimin looked at jungkook and had his jaw dropped to the floor. His best friend was the mate of this one fine man? Even if he is hades he wanted his soulmate to have him as his mate and carry his baby already!

Taehyung came of out of his daze and coughed a lil to clear his embarrassment though the pink hue on cheeks gave away what he was feeling. He replied to hades(They don't know jungkook's name so hades). He spoke with firm yet soft voice,"Even if I'm your mate, hades. I'm not going with you." Jungkook was controlling a growl of anger. He wasn't angry on taehyung. No, he can never be. Even if he has met him just now.

He was angry at the position they now in. If he wasn't hades or if taehyung wasn't an angel. Maybe, just maybe things would've been better. He wanted to shout and scream at the situation. But he was calm on the outside while a whole storm was going inside of him.

Though angry he(jungkook) spoke. His voice was weak, vulnerable and so fragile and low that you'll miss it if not paying attention. He spoke,
"Why? Just because I'm hades and you're an angel? But before everything, you're my mate. Why can't I take you with me?"

He was so close to crying. His eyes already tearing up. Taehyung wanted to embrace him. Tell him, he had already accepted him but he can't. They're rivals. They aren't meant to be together. But seeing the frail state of jungkook he himself started tearing up. He wanted to give jungkook the whole world.

Seeing taehyung tearing up made Mr. Kim feel guilty. Since the start he was the one who told him. How angels and demons are rivals and are always meant to be. And it should be that way. But, at that time it was for his own safety. But now? He's questioning his own words.

Meanwhile when ava heard the deep sad voice of jungkook. She immediately calculated. It was her opportunity to get into his good books. And so, she rushed towards him. Thinking of every way of giving him comfort.

She went near him and threw herself at him. Literally. And everyone had their eyes wide and jaw drop. While yoongi and namjoon were just praying for her soul to rest in peace. This girl had no brain did she? Everyone held their breath. Even taehyung.

Jungkook's dragon who was sad too listening to his mate's words. Was trying to break free. Finally came out. Seconds later, ava was on the floor with a big dragon in air. He was sad and hurt but he was loyal to taehyung. No matter what, it was his mate.

It growled so loud that everyone but taehyung were on their knees. While jungkook was emotionally unstable to control his dragon. Atlast he knew he(his dragon) will always protect him. He has always been his best friend. Someone he could take advice from apart from his brothers and talk about his thoughts that he doesn't like sharing with others. The emotions that he has always pushed behind. He always shares with his dragon. Because when they had their first conversation his dragon promised him. 'I promise to share your emotions, strength, weakness and accept everything that makes you, you.'

And his dragon never like trashes and whores touching him. Especially when his human is unstable. He was ready to chop her alive when taehyung came in middle. Halting the dragon mid air/ way. No matter what she was his sister and it was on him to protect her. Just if he knew...

The dragon was just observing him doing nothing. And taehyung was staring at the dragon's soul. While the dragon was taking taehyung's beauty. Internally dancing and jumping in glee. After a few seconds of staring at each other and a defending silence. Taehyung spoke softly. Like talking to a toddler. He spoke,"I know you don't like being touched. But please spare her. She's my sister. I'll come with you if you'll spare her." He wanted to tell hades and the dragon he didn't make the decision just to let his sister off hook but because it was his wish. But somethings are meant to left unsaid.

The dragon and his human too, both were further hurt but at the end if taehyung is coming with them. They're okay. After that they are free to show him their care and love. While ava, even after being saved she wasn't happy that it was because taehyung said that's why she was left off hook.

Everyone sighed in relief knowing there will be no bloodshed. Jimin rushed towards taehyung. Keeping a safe distance, not wanting to anger the dragon further by touching or being too close to taehyung. Just being there beside him to show. 'I'm here. Right beside you.' While yoongi was mesmerized by jimin's beauty. But then he felt something...
A/n: Hello dear readers! Sorry for another cliff hanger but, the chapter was getting too long for my liking. And there should be something to write in the next chapter. If I write it all here it would be sad. Hehe. Anyways how was it? I feel no one is reading my book and it's kinda demotivating me. Anyways, anything you feel I should add or fix? Lemme know!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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