Chapter 6

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Yoongi felt a bond between the smaller male and him. It was his mate. He felt so happy and excited. He unconsciously murmured a 'mate' looking at jimin. To say vmin were shock would be an complete understatement. They were astonished. But then appeared happiness of being together even in underworld. While his(yoongi's) brothers were happy seeing the elder's eyes shimmering with happiness.

Now, they had two people to take with them. And they were more than happy to welcome them. While someone was again sizzling in jealousy. If you guessed it. You're right. It's none other ava herself.

She was as it is angry at taehyung for everything and now, he'll have hades while she'll be in this hell hole called angel land.

But much to her happiness and taehyung's annoyance. Jungkook declared to take ava with her. As he had to punish her for her sin of touching him. Since he can't kill her at his
'wifey's' ordered him.

Vmin were annoyed but taehyung being himself said the words couldn't turn back on them. He felt angry at himself now for saying those words.

While Mr. Kim was sad that his both children were gonna leave him just like his wife did. But his wife didn't leave him by wish but by force. But... it didn't changed anything. Did it?

Taehyung felt Mr. Kim's sadness and wanted to take it away. He looked at hades hesitantly and was in turmoil. If he should speak or no.

Sensing his mate's distress he spoke himself. "You can ask and speak whatever, pup. You don't need to feel stress just for speaking. Okay?" Hearing his mate, taehyung felt relieved and spoke. "Um. I wanted to ask if it's okay if I come here once in a while to my father and subordinates here?" Now, it was jungkook's turn to be in turmoil.

First in the state of panic he didn't thought about it. But after a minute or two after panicking he remembered something. It was like a imaginary bulb lit up on his head. And he agreed. But with one condition that he said he will inform him once they're in underworld.

After hearing him Mr. Kim and taehyung's both had face lit up like a gamma ray burst.(I searched on Google what is the brightest light and its this. Hehe) They were delighted. Yet they know something suspicious was cooking in hades head but it was not the time to question it.

After all the commotion hades, his army, brothers and the three angels made their way to underworld.

After long long hours of traveling. They finally were in underworld. The two angels(vmin) were glowing in light while ava wasn't. Because as much sins you cause the light turns dull and duller. The people were out of their houses to witness their queen coming to 'her' new home. But when they saw its a 'man' they were baffled. They had general curiosity which they knew hades would clear for them. While hades hadn't wore his invisible cape. Since he was in his territory.

They were announced to have a proper meeting with their queen after he has some proper rest. And they were okay. They knew not to say something taunting or bad mouthing the queen or hades would have their heads. As much as he cares for them, he's that much strict. And that's why they had so much respect for him.

The five males along with ava were inside the castle/ palace when a tall, handsome man with broad shoulders came into their view. Vmin and ava had their jaw on floor seeing his beauty. He went directly into namjoon's arms. Taking as much warmth he can greedily. After calming himself down he saw vmin and squealed. He had new children to take care of. He was smiling cheekily but only jungkook, namjoon, and yoongi understood the meaning while vmin were looking like lost puppies. And the trio brothers were praying to the universe to give power to vmin for handling a typical mother for a few months.

Without saying a word they went inside the throne room for ava's punishment.

Now, what will be her punishment? Will be as cruel as death? Or would jungkook be humble?
A/n: Hello dear readers! I'm kinda not satisfied with the chapter but for now, I can't change it since I have no time and need to start for another chapter. Sorry. But lemme know if you liked it or no? Want me to fix something or add? Lemme know!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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