Chapter 11

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It has been a week since vmin with ava came to underworld. The week was filled with peacefulness and happiness. The always deadly silent underworld was filled with smiles, giggles and  laughter. Everyone loved this change. And seeing everyone happy jungkook was happy too.

But the happiness didn't last long. Why? Because his parents decided to grace them with their unwanted present.

In this week vmin got to know about the siblings(yoongi, namjoon, jungkook) parents behavior and they were pissed. Even if they are angels they felt the need to have their(sibling' parents)blood on their(vmin) hands.

One of the guard had informed jungkook after their daily discussion that the uninvited guests would be present here.

Ava was esthetic to snitch about her brother. She would take any opportunity given to make his life hell. And this is one of them.

At night:

Jin as usual made the dinner. But the difference were the dishes. They were in bigger quantity and had more variety. Vmin were openly drooling on the food and it would be a complete understatement if we say yoonkook weren't jealous of food. But it's not like they can fight food. Hence, they were glaring at the dishes on the table.

Namjin and jhope were laughing at their childishness and after seeing them laughing yoonkook whined. Yes you read it right, they whined. But it was nothing new for the other five males as after meeting their mates they have changed beyond measures. And even whipped would be an understatement for them. Vmin had yoonkook dancing on their pinkies. And no one was complaining.

Suddenly some aura was sensed by the seven males on the dinning table. The three brothers along with jhope were on alert. Taehyung was too but since his confusion was clouding too.

Right after the aura being sensed two bodies of one man and a woman in their sixties or seventies were seen. They were like those typical villians shown in the movies and novels.

They elegantly took seats even though no one told them. Behaving as if they own the place. This angered jungkook to no limits.

This is his fucking kingdom/ realm! They're no one to come and behave like they own this place and him too. He owe them nothing. Fucking asses.

Jungkook was on the biggest chair. Where the head of the family is supposed to be. Then on his left was his mate, jimin, jin and on his right were his brothers and jhope. And on the other side were his parents

Sensing his mate's anger taehyung placed his hand on jungkook's as he was beside him. He gave it a gentle squeeze to let him know that yes beside him. Holding his hand and head held high. Jungkook squeezed it back as a thanks. Then he proceeded to intervine their hands leaving taehyung to be a blushing mess. And that made jungkook proud and happy.

Suddenly sound of someone clearing their throat was heard. Jungkook growled at being interrupted while having a moment with his love.

He looked at the direction of the voice just to see his parent's face having a disapproving look. Not like he cared. Rather to show his disinterest he lifted their interwined hands and brought them to his lips. Softly kissing the knuckles lovingly. While his parents were boiling in pure anger.

Then the food was served. Mrs. Jeon was talking about tasteless and trashy the food was. She was commenting on how 'ugly' jimin was and had absolutely no fashion sense. Or how tae isn't capable to be a queen. He's a guy how can he produce a heir and shits like that. She was spouting nonsense continuously. The siblings were on the verge of throwing their hands. If not for their mates/ husband they would've done it long ago.

But the older couple didn't seem to know their limits. Though jungkook was being patient his dragon wasn't. Atlast the dragon was more bonded with taehyung than jungkook himself.

And his patience evaporated when Mrs. Jeon spoke. Voice venomous.

"Look at him(tae) he looks like sl-"

She was never able to complete the sentence since a thunderous growl cut her off harshly.

Sometimes the older couple and the demons seem to forgot jungkook isn't hades for nothing. And she has crossed her limit when she tried to question taehyung's character when she herself was a whore. He couldn't hold back

Jungkook was just gonna pounce on her when taehyung came in middle. Though taehyung himself wanted to kill her and show what he is. It was not the time.

Seeing this behavior of their son they knew they lost him. And he wouldn't be their toy anymore. Not like he was before. They just loved to live in delusion that he was.

So, now seeing their son rebelling. Mr. Jeon spoke venomously.

"Jungkook. Stay in your limits. The woman who you were gonna pounce on is your mother. Don't forget that. And if you are let me take away your realm from you."

Jungkook more furious. The old couple only knew how to add fuel to the fire didn't they?

Taehyung held him back. Though it was hard he was trying his best. But let go when heard jungkook's next words.

"Oh! You can't. It's mine. You understand mine.''

He spoke the last 'mine' with a growl to emphasize his words. Then continued.

"And in case you forgot you were a piece of shit that's why it was given to me. And you trying to take it from me? Are you fucking kidding me?! And if you want it. I declare a war."

Everyone felt dead silent at his words. While the older jeons were thinking of having their other two sons by their side and they would win. And they need to keep their pride. Hence, they agreed.

"Then, let the war begin."

Then looked at their other sons who had an unreadable expression. They spoke threateningly though the tone was anything but sweet.

"Namjoon, yoongi. You would be with us wouldn't you?"

They didn't think twice before declining and the older couple's soul left their body animatedly.

Ava who was watching the drama unfolding didn't like how it ended. And grew even more aggravated.

After the war being declared. The older couple were going when ava came infront of them. She was very close to piss in her pants but held it in. She spoke stuttering and timidly.

"I'm ava. Princess of the angel land. I've faced a lot of discrimination and wish to support you. I can ask father to help you in the war."

The older jeons were pleased with the offer and immediately agreed.

But oh, well. Will Mr. Kim really help her against his own son after all she did? But, what she even did?
A/n: Hello dear readers! Finally done with another chapter. Hope you like it. If you did lemme know through votes and comments please.

Thank you for reading,
Haply reading💜

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