Chapter 4

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Before hades arrived:

It was a normal day, with jimin going to taehyung's room to wake him up. He went inside the pure white room. Which will look like a hospital room to a normal person. But to an angel it was normal. The room was decorated with weird yet appreciative art in the room. Some showpiece made by Kim taehyung himself. A full length mirror and a dressing table too. And in the middle of the room laid the king size bed. On which was the sleeping beauty was sleeping peacefully until jimin jumped upon him. He groaned and grunted by the sudden weight.

He finally opened his eyes just to be met with a smiling jimin. Smiling so wide that his eyes turned crescents and cheeks puffed up. Living upto his name mochi. This was just a normal morning for vmin. Jimin waking taehyung was various tricks as the male is a deep sleeper. Then freshening up, having breakfast and then practice for long long hours.

After taehyung was finished with his morning schedule they went through the white painted hallways marching towards the dining hall. Where his family would he waiting for him and jimin.

Jimin lost his parents when he was in his teens. It was a heart breaking moment for taehyung too, as Mrs. Park used to be a mother figure to him after his mom and of course sad for his soulmate. He(tae) held jimin till he started healing. It still left a void behind but it was bearable.

They entered the elegant dining room. In which Mr. Kim and ava were chatting. While the maids were preparing the dishes and started serving breakfast after seeing vmin. Vmin bowed to Mr. Kim at first and then proceeded to give him a bear hug. Mr. Kim was sitting where the head of the family is supposed to be. While taehyung beside ava and jimin in front of taehyung.

They were having breakfast with silence which was broken by Mr. Kim. His question was directed towards taehyung,"Taehyung, baby. When are you gonna start your mate hunt? You're growing way too fast for me and I would love to see you having your own family before me."(They don't know about hades being taehyung's mate.)

Taehyung frowned slightly. He was ready to have a family and mate but at the same time he wasn't. He wanted to be better at using his powers and master them. He wanted to be something before going into family shits. But, he had to agree he wasn't gonna be any younger. He was in his mid twenties(almost) and he needed to know his mate, get accustomed to their nature and personality, the surrounding and everything. Just thinking about it gave him a headache yet he replied.

He started,"I agree dad." This made Mr. Kim smile. He continued,"But I think I'm in a dilemma right now. Just give me somedays and I'll let you know my answer. But, I promise you. You'll see my family before you..." He trailed off at the end, not wanting to say the word. Mr. Kim nodded his head understanding him. While ava hated how her father's attention went on him and forgetting about her. Yet she didn't say a word. After that having some chit chat here and there they went to their own tasks.

And that's when hades entered the scene. When Mr. Kim was in his study doing paper work regarding previous meeting. Taehyung training with others. Ava in garden being a manerless princess going berserk on the maids even for their lil mistake.

When yoongi and namjoon found jungkook that's when a guard went up to Mr. Kim informing about hades arrival. And also the reason wasn't told. He informed. With that said said, Mr. Kim rushed around the palace/ castle finding for him.

Meanwhile ava thought, 'why not go and irritate brother?' She went to the grounds unaware of hades. She was gonna say something but was brutally cut off by a cold and silent voice. The voice said,"The beautiful creature." He pointed at tae. Just his hand peeking out from the cape. And continued,"I want him." Everyone present there froze. Mr. Kim who just entered the scen felt the land beneath his legs slip. No way in fucking hell his son would be hades mate. He wouldn't allow it.

While tae? He was whole different story. He was in turmoil. Hearing hades' voice made his heart flutter and gave birth to butterflies in his stomach. He knew what that means... Its his mate. The person he dreamed about. But seeing the reality he didn't know if he should be selfish or selfless.

While ava? She was on cloud nine. She knew it was hades. Even if she couldn't see him. Hearing his voice was enough for her to know. And she wanted to present herself but seeing him too, talking about taehyung made her blood boil. Hate passing through every blood cell for taehyung.

Mr. Kim was silently praying for taehyung to say no and end the matter then and there. But he also knew hades. He wasn't someone who would back down. He sighed and just waited to see what the next moment holds.

Taehyung was in kind of daze. When he clicked back to reality. He spoke, voice firm and with authority,"Whoever you are. Show yourself coward!" He exclaimed at the end.

Jungkook was amused at his behavior but then realized he's a perfect mate for him. Questioning his decision and words. Now that's gonna be interesting.
A/n: Hello dear readers! Is it a cliff hanger again? If it is sorry. But hope you liked it?! And see you soon!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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