Epilogue. 2

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They proceeded towards the room when ava and sisuphus(He's someone who tired to cheat death. So I'm adding he character but nothing in the story changes) were kept. Yes, she was alive. Why was she alive? Because, the gods can only enter the human world if they killed one of their family members or some other God. Ava was taehyung's 'family' so he needed her. So, atleast once she should be useful to him, shouldn't she? Therefore, the two were alive.

When they arrived in the cellar where she were kept, her (ava)'s head snapped in the direction of footsteps. Ava's eyes lit up as soon as she saw jungkook.

Even now, she hadn't lost hopes of having jungkook. So, when she saw him she had a hope. She limped her way towards jungkook but her actions were restricted by a pair of arms holding her in the place. She desperately tried to move away but the person was stronger. As she was limping taekook got a idea of what has happened before they entered. While ava was trying to break free, sisyphus was chilled and relax.

He still had his pride but for now, he's alive that's important. As ava's movements were restricted she desperately asked jungkook why he's here? Wishing it to be to see her. But her hopes crumbled when he spoke,

"We want to go to the human world, hence, here we are!"

He answered non- chalantly. As if his husband wasn't gonna kill her. She didn't seem to understand but sisyphus did clearly. He was looking at jungkook with terrified eyes. He didn't wanted to die yet. But seems like fate wasn't on his side.

Ava dumbly asked why they're here if they want to go to human world and taheyung facepalmed. How can his sister be this oblivious! Sisyphus answered on their behalf,

"They need to kill either a family member or a God."

To which jungkook looked amused at the betrayer of death. Since when was someone so dumb became so intelligent?! But that wasn't the point.

Taheyung was getting impatient as he wanted to leave as soon as possible. He let out a whine to let jungkook know that he's getting impatient now.

Jungkook moved towards him and kissed him deeply one last time with love and a promise.

A promise to meet each other again. With whispering the last,'I love you'. They killed sisyphus and ava in a flash.

Jungkook's dragon growled in grief. Saying goodbye to its owner was really really hard for him. But it loved jungkook as much jungkook did to him. With last growl they vanished in thin air like ashes.

After some years the five males too, joined them on earth by killing other demons to have their wish granted. When the fives males decided to leave. Baekhyun and rowoon were so sad to have all their loved ones gone. But still they still had each other which was enough for them.

On earth:

It was twentieth century and in the country of South Korea, Seoul. There lived the biggest mafia of Korea. JEON JUNGKOOK. He was ruthless, and cold. He was strict and won't hesitate to kill you if you did wrong.

People used to think he didn't had a heart. For someone he'll be soft. But, what they don't know is, how jungkook holds his right hand KIM TAEHYUNG in his arms gently on the nights when he has nightmares about his past. How he takes care of him after they make love. How he's raged even if his angel has a stab wound. They don't know how he's with his hyungs behind the door.

Behind the cold and heartless exterior there is a whipped lover that no one knows off; except his hyungs.

That are his best five. Kim seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Min yoongi, Jung hoseok, Park jimin. They know how sensitive he is when it comes to taehyung. The possessiveness he has on taehyung is on another level. There are times when he's too, jealous but he never removes his anger on taehyung because he knows it's not his fault that people hawk on him. He's just a God gifted beauty.

Even though he's a mafia, he doesn't kill people for fun or innocent people. He kills people who are involved in rape cases, smuggling, human tracking, etc. He's a good mafia yet, rumors make him bad. Rumors can't always be true now, can they? So he doesn't pay attention to it when he has a big baby to give all his attention. He's happy to have such people in life. His love and his hyungs. He's contented with it.
A/n: And here the book ends. Thank you for the love and support you've given to the book. Just one last question:
Would you like a special yoonmin and namjin chapters. Or is it okay with the moments in the story?

And a very big thank you for reading this book. I really wanna write and improve more. Hope you all support me in my journey. Thank you!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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