Chapter 12

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It is an unspoken law if a war is declared. That is, both parties have a month to prepare themselves and once the war starts there will be no till one party either banishes or either accepts their loss.

Just like that hades along taehyung and his brothers and jhope were preparing for the fight with the army. Jimin and Jin wanted to join too but were politely declined. They bribed their mate/ husband, even others but to no avail. Jin was said to be the doctor to aid the injured at the battlefield. Then, jimin volunteered for being a nurse and was accepted. He was happy. At least he can contribute something.
(I'm not being biased but as jin will act like a doc he can't fight. And jimin though tough still they're afraid. Hence, no. Hope y'all understand)

Mr. Kim himself had offered if they need angel's help. Since angel's know many magic things to destroy the enemy. And who was jungkook to say no to such a brilliant proposal? Hence, jhope have more subordinates to work with and their win is almost ensured by all these.

Ava is still dreaming of having her 'father's' support to destroy her own brother. Unknown to the fact he offered help to hades. Not like he would've even if she asked. Not because he didn't prefer her or something. It was because he has heard about the old jeon couple and didn't wish to have any acquaintance with the older jeons.

The preparation were on full swing. And jungkook was happy with the preparations. He didn't wanted to be over confident and also he was indeed a bit nervous. If he'll win or not and if they loose, what about his people? Mainly what about the other six males he hold dearly to his heart? He didn't even wanted to think about it. And hence, he gave his 200% in the training.

The war day:

Jungkook stood in the left side of the ground. Alone ahead with the other six males and his army behind. Which contained of demons, angel's, and witches too. While on the right hand side stood the older jeon couple with...ava?

Ava? What was she doing with the jeon couple? Everyone were shocked and speechless. After recovering the shock Mr. Kim, and the other six males except tae snickered and snarled. What did they even expect from her? Dumb brainless bitch.

While taehyung was deeply hurt by her act. His face clearly gave away his emotions. He already had tears on the corner of his eyes. Ready to flow like waterfall at any second.

Seeing taehyung like that the older jeon couple scoffed. Was taehyung dumb or was being dumb? They didn't knew.

According to them he knew the truth. Every angel knew it then why not him? Hence they ASSUMED he knew and spoke. Unknowingly spilling the tea.

"Are you dumb? Or are you being dumb?"

Mr. Jeon spoke while pointing towards taehyung. He continued.

"She killed your mother. She drowned her. And still you're feeling hurt and betrayed by her this act. You're even surprised?"

The truth was spilled before anyone could stop. They knew they can't keep it forever. But they wanted too as long as they can. At last they knew the after effects not the jeon couple who were spilling it like it was nothing.

And just like that taehyung's eyes turned black. Pitch black. Like a blackhole. Pulling you towards it. Like whirpool in the sea asking you to drown in it. It was enchanting but something that'll always demand you to be on alert.

His aura changed. The temperature dropped by degrees and jungkook knew. Taehyung will be a killing machine now. Wanting to avenge his ceased mother.

And just like the war began. Blood here and there, everywhere where your eyes can reach. Medics at work even without a small break. Energy running out but adrenaline keeping them sane and hungry for more bloodshed.

After 10 days:

After painstaking 10 days finally the war was over. No land was harmed yet his people. Hundreds of his thousand hundred soldiers died a heroic death. He was sad of loosing people but finally his parents were sent to hell. He himself killed them with his bare hands and the war ended with that.

Jungkook killing his parents was truly a gruesome scene. Something you wouldn't want to see. He killed them in as many parts he can. His every hit was to avenge every person they bitch talked about. To his beloved brothers, brother- in- law, and his oh, so precious mate. And for himself too.

Now, they were heading back to underworld with ava chained in heavy chains and her skin bruised. How and when? No one knows. Nor they dared to. Because the killing machine in the war AKA taehyung was still not satisfied and will not be till he sees his sister being in pain. And he will make sure to tear her painfully slow. Mentally, emotionally and physically.

And just like the army marched. As soon as they reached there. No one was allowed in the court and all the soldiers were asked to rest.

Taehyung was waiting for everyone to leave. He knew his sister is obsessed over HIS mate. He will show who jungkook belong too.

He asked jungkook. His voice ice cold without emotions. And with authority.

"Jungkook, teleport us three to our bedroom."

At first jungkook was confused but then he understood his mate's intentions and immediately teleported them.

And taehyung along with jungkook was sure gonna enjoy ava's misery. She didn't knew who she messed with.
A/n: Hello dear readers! Another chapter done. Finally! I'm kinda very contented with it at the same time not. But I loved it. I hope you did too. Please lemme know through anything. The story is gonna end soon. I would love if you could give your opinion about the story at the epilogue part. 2

Thank you for reading,
Enjoy reading💜

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