Chapter 14

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The next day, jungkook was the first one to wake up. He was admiring the angel in his arms who was sleeping peacefully. Looking so harmless as if last 10 days he didn't kill a single soul.

Taehyung was covered with layers and layers of hickies. Aftermath of their endless loving sessions. Though taehyung was glowing looking tiny and a big pout on his swollen wasn't helping jungkook to keep his hormones in check.

He was feeling heavenly. Maybe because finally he marked the beauty as his or because of something else? He didn't knew and wasn't interested as long as the angel is in his arms. Safe and sound. He's at peace.

After an hour with jungkook softly gazing at the sleeping beauty almost without blinking. Taehyung stirred in his sleep. Blinking his eyes tiredly.

His eyes landed on jungkook almost immediately. He offered a smile to jungkook and was reciprocated by the other. Proceeding to kiss his forehead lovingly. He made grabby hands to the muscular male silently asking for cuddles and his wish was granted happily.

Taekook chose to spend the whole day in their bedroom as taehyung is sore and jungkook don't have a heart to leave him.

On the other hand they other five also chose to stay in their room. Yoonmin, and namjin wanting to spend some quality time with their partners.

With yoonmin:

Yoongi like jungkook was the first one to wake up. His thoughts went to the events taking place recently. From finding his mate to the war. Everything.

After thinking about all the things. Yoongi came to the conclusion that he can never live without jimin. Even a single scratch on him and he'll go insane. And that's when he decided. He wanted to mark him as his as soon as possible.

Soon the smaller male in arms stirred and opened his eyes. Blinking rapidly to get used to the light. He looked at yoongi just to find him with an expressionless face. He was quite taken back. It was the first time it happened.

He quickly sat up and took yoongi's face in his hands. And spoke. Voice tender and full of love.

"Hey, you okay? Why are you looking like that? Is something troubling you?"

Listening to him yoongi finally grew the guts to voice out his worry. He took jimin's smaller hands and his. And spoke. Eyes glued to their hands.

"I- I don't know. I was thinking about the events happened recently and came to the conclusion that I can't loose you. I can't even think if you- you're not beside me what I'll do. I'll literally go insane. And I- I thought...if uh, I could...uh, maybe...mar- mark you? Only if you allow. I promise."

He panicked after speaking it. And jimin broke into beautiful giggles. It eased yoongi to no end.

Then jimin spoke. Voice like always soft.

"It's okay. I'm ready to be marked by meow."

He teased at the end. Yoongi broke into a gummy smile and immediately connected their lips.

And they ended up making love and marking each other.

With namjin:

They heard taekook moaning at night and now yoonmin. They were acting frustrated but they were happy finally they marked each other and found their love of their lives.

And hearing them they couldn't resist themselves and ended up making love too. Hehe

With jhope:

He was walking around the palace/ castle when he heard melodious giggles. He immediately fell in love with those giggles. Addicted to it. He followed the sound and ended up in the garden.

There seated a lady. Age couldn't be identified but by the ways she sounded. She felt around her mid twenties. Around jhope's age. She looked small.

He took slow shaky steps towards her. He never ever in his life felt this nervous that he's feeling now.

He finally reached her and shakily nudged her shoulder. She turned around and his breath was knocked out of his lungs.

Brownish complexion, cat like eyes, and plump lips with long black hair. She looked utterly beautiful. And the smile was adding even more beauty if that's possible. He was enchanted. And it wouldn't be wrong it we say,

He fell in love at first sight.

Her voice even melodious when she spoke,

"Yes? Who are you?"

He took deep breaths to calm himself and not a fool of himself. He the. Spoke,

"I'm Jung hoseok. A witch. And you are?"

She replied,

"I'm Rebicca gomez. But you can call me Becky g."

And just like a new love story took place in the palace.
A/n: Hello dear readers! We're almost at the end. Just 1- 2 chapters more. The epilogues aren't gonna be changed. Hope you liked it!

Thank you for reading,
Happy reading💜

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