Chapter 10; Trust

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The trio sat on the bed in silence, forming a clueless triangle. Luna looked back and forth between the two who looked as lost as ever.

"Come on, guys. Just suggest something already. The TV won't work and sitting here watching two dumb people doesn't help." Luna spoke, earning their attention.

"We're thinking." Wesley replied in a hushed voice, as if raising it would make him lose his very precious concentration of some sort.

"Why are we even thinking? Is this some kind of trip to you?" Ashton suddenly asked, question directing at Luna.

"I would like to think that way. Reminding myself that I've been kidnapped and my parents are probably scared as fuck and haven't eaten for days because of me ain't a good choice I think." Luna went off, rolling her eyes towards the end and making the younger instantly guilty.

"Sorry." He whispered, eyes facing the crumpled bedsheet in sudden regret.

"Okay, stop." Wesley too, clearly felt bad about the entire situation. He wanted to help her but then reality struck him and he realized how the girl was stuck because of them.

"I think we should go to the festival sorta thing we saw while coming here." Wesley proposed, wanting to change the subject.

"Oh my god yes!" A sudden beam of energy was brought in the room with Luna's excitement as Wesley and she exchanged looks of mischief.

"I...can't." Ashton's small voice was heard, gathering all the attention. He fumbled with the bedsheets yet again, looking everywhere but at them. When he caught their questioning gaze, he let out a sigh in defeat.

"It's crowded. I can't risk being recognised." Ashton's unsure voice was almost disheartening for the duo.

Luna didn't know what led to this but she wanted to get out and roam around, doing everything that she wished to do without giving a damn about the world. The scary part was that she didn't want Ashton to be caught in the midst of this.

Goodness... What was wrong with her?

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Never. It killed her from the inside but a small assurance of having the bigger picture in her head brought her back to reality. It was only for a while. She just had to be friendly and get to know them. To know the actual purpose of their wrongdoings because she was sure of one thing. Ashton seemed to be way too naive to be a part of a mess like murder.

Unless he had a reason.

"You can just cover yourself up. Come on!" Wesley's voice brought Luna back from her thoughts as she registered his words.

"Yes, Ash. Come on." She urged him again.

"I told you to not call me that." He glared at her but the little pout on his face made it hard for her to be least affected by it.

"Do I look like I care? Now leave that. Just sit here, I'll do something." She motioned and got up from her spot, walking towards a couch where his bag pack was kept.

She really couldn't believe she was doing this.

Ashton watched her as she fumbled with his bag for a minute. It seemed strange but he didn't question and let her do whatever she had planned. His curiosity was on the peek.

She was back in a minute with his large black hoodie having an infinity sign in white printed at the back. It was one of his favourites.

"Here. Wear this." She ordered and didn't seem to be in a mood to listen. He would never know the reason but he compiled. He took the hoodie and wore it over his white t-shirt and then looked cluelessly at her.

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