Chapter 12; Help Me

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There she was. Crying lone in a corner, asking for help.

The middle-aged woman held no fear but in that very moment, her pained expression shook him up.

He ran. Faster and faster. But he only grew further and further from his struggling mom, reaching out a helpless hand but having no one or nothing to hold on to.

An invisible force, as if pulling him away from his only source of warmth, growing distant as every moment passed. His breath ragged, cold sweat ran down his forehead and he lost his speech.

No words managed to form in that state and whimpers escaped his small lips. He could feel his mom being dragged to an extreme corner as he drifted apart.

Until all he could see was a tiny white light. He let out a loud sob in grief.

"Mom..." Wesley's eyes opened instantly with the mere whisper, calling out for his mom. He observed his sweaty hands and heavy breathing, clearly shaken by the nightmare.

He could feel the slight burn in his eyes, trying its very best to escape. He quickly wiped the unshed tears off with his palm as he looked around, finding himself in the surroundings of the car.

Yeah right. The three had eloped from the previous hotel yet again and were on the way to a place neither of them had a clue about. They were on a break at the moment since everyone was tired.

He assumed Ashton and Luna would be out so he got up from the backseat with a groan, only to let out a yelp in surprise when he found Luna behind the steering.

"Goodness. You scared the shit out of me." He let out with an eye roll, still out of breath with the sudden surprise.

"Where's he?" He asked briefly, not in the mood to talk much.

"I kicked him out saying I won't let him in until he buys something nice to eat." She replied nonchalantly, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

She just earned a little nod in return, completely contradicting the way Wesley would react. She had figured he had a nightmare of some sort for he was shifting a lot in his sleep, mumbling coherent words. She remembers hearing 'mom' somewhere along the lines.

"Hey, wanna talk about it?"

"A nightmare about my mom, it was." Replying briefly, he diverted his attention and stared outside the window, having no idea about the locality.

"You must be really close to her."


He was the closest to his mother. She was a single parent for him after his dad passed away when he was two and all he remembers is amazing memories with her. He never felt wronged for not having his dad's company since his mother was enough. She did everything for him.

Ashton's mother had given her life up for him while giving him birth so he never really got to experience his mother's care. Even though he did have a father, he would always look forward to visiting Wesley's place because his mom made him happy.

She is a mom for both of them, holding a special significance in both of their lives. Both received motherly love from the same person, which never made them feel any less than brothers.

They loved her with all their heart and never hid things from her but this time, the situation had forced them to do so. It would be a lie to say they didn't miss her all this while considering the fact that the two spent most of their time with her. It hurt to think how worried she must be at the moment not knowing where her son and someone she treated as her own child was.

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