Chapter 1

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Seven years ago
Mia (10 years old)

The summer sun heats our skin in the way only an arizona sky can, giving me goosebumps even though it's over 100 degrees out. Or maybe the goosebumps are because of Nick, laying close beside me on the dried patch of grass, my left ankle crossed over his right. I glance over at his profile beside me. He has on his favorite Captain America shirt and his arm is crossed over his eyes. If I didn't know better I'd think he was sleeping. But I do know better. Nick would never sleep exposed like this. Not this close to his daddy when he was in one of his moods.

The grass tickles my toes as I dangle my flipflop off my foot, my gaze on Nicks blonde hair. I stare at the streaks of brown and red that the sunshine brings out as something deep inside me pulls me closer to him.

I'd already declared myself in love with Nick Parker, to everyone and anyone who would listen. This, of course, just earned me a sneer from his daddy, Jack, and an eye roll from my mama. Nick's daddy said I can't be in love with him because he's going to be my brother one day. "Plus" he said,  "what does an 10 year old know about love anyway?"

"A lot more than you," I had said under my breath.

It was foolish thing to do, especially when Jacks eyes were red like that.

Nick's daddy narrowed his eyes and he opened his mouth-

"Mia!" snapped mama. "Go clean your room and take your smart mouth with you! Now!"

I ran quickly to my room, shutting and locking my door. A couple minutes later Mama knocked 3 times so I knew it was her. I unlocked the bolt and she slipped in quickly.

"Mia you stupid, selfish girl" she spat. I could smell the bitter spirits on her breath, even though it was barely after breakfast. It made my stomach clench.

"You're lucky Jack is in such a good mood today or he would of had your hide."

I put my head down and nodded. I knew better than to say a word. I had learned quick that silence was my best friend when the grown ups were drinking. I was stupid to talk back to Jack.

Mama's eyes softened and she lifted my chin with her fingers.

"You love Nick, just like I love Jack. But if you want to keep him you better stop upsetting his daddy."

I nodded again, my eyes wide with regret. "Don't ruin this, for either of our sakes." She squeezed my hand and slipped back out the door.

Stupid, I chided myself. I should have known better by now than to smart mouth Jack. Mama was right and I knew the consequences of setting him off. But I had just been so angry with him! So tired of being told how to feel. How could anyone question my love for Nick? Being a grown up doesn't make you better at love. In fact it seemed like it made them a whole lot worse at it. I was ten years old now, almost eleven! I knew what love was..

Nick was my best friend. The best friend any girl could ever have, and I knew I was the luckiest girl in the whole world.

I was going to keep him forever.


I rolled over and looked again at Nick beside me, shaking away the memory. We were out front trying to escape the fighting going on in the house but we could still hear the yelling from out here. We both knew it could be hours until it stopped.

Nick stood abruptly, jolting me from my thoughts. Wiping the sweat from his brow he looked down at me and smiled. "Come on Mia, let's walk to Wally's" he said. "I have a buck for an ice cream."

I jumped up and smiled, reaching for his hand. Nick made everything better.

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