Chapter 39

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We spend the day together, and then the night. It was like once we got a taste of each other, we were addicted. Like a flame was lit in my soul, and a rope bound, tethering my body to his. But when we wake up Monday morning at his apartment, reality sets back in.

"I guess I need to go home for some clothes" I say, looking down at myself wearing his t shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. I slept over here last night, not wanting to go home and face Marilee but most of all not wanting to leave Nick for even a moment. For the record, we still haven't done anything but kiss, but I didn't pack anything so Nick gave me a spare toothbrush and his own clothes for me to wear.

"I like you better like that" Nick says as he walks towards his closet, stripping off his own shirt.

"And I like you better like that" I say with a smirk as I jump up and walk towards him.

Nick slips a new shirt over his head and grabs my hands with his, a serious expression on his face. "I don't really feel like going back to reality today" he says.

"Me either. Let's skip."

Nick leans down to peck my nose "You're a bad influence"

I wrap my arms around his neck, "please" I pout. Every minute the last two days have been so amazing, I'm almost afraid to go back to reality, to leave our little bubble. I fear that real life could tear us apart again.

Nick must see the anxiety in my eyes because he leans down and kisses me for real this time. I open my mouth and his tongue tangles with mine, wiping away every negative thought I just had.


After a quick stop at my condo Nick says he needs to stop at work for a minute before school to pick up his paycheck. We walk into Save Mart together and then head in opposite directions as he goes to the counter to talk to his boss and I peruse the candy aisle. As I come around the corner, looking for sour watermelons, I catch a bit of their conversation.

"So is that your girl?" The large bald man behind the counter says. I pause, pretending to be looking through the chocolate assortment to hide my eavesdropping.

"Well I don't know if she's mine, but I sure as hell am hers"

I tilt my head letting my hair fall to cover my face and hide my smile, feeling like I might just melt into a puddle of goo here in the candy aisle.

"Ah, I see" the man says to Nick "gone and lost your heart, haven't you son?"

Hearing enough I snatch a bag of sour watermelons and walk to the counter, waving them at Nick with a smile, "I've got the goods."

"Breakfast of champions" Nick smirks, pulling out his wallet.

"No no" the man standing beside Nick says. "On the house, for Nicks pretty little lady" he winks. I look at his name tag and smile, "Thanks Stan!"

Stan grins widely back at me and then turning towards Nick says "I'll see you tomorrow at noon"

"See you then" Nick says as he grasps my hand, leading me out the door.

"He was nice" I say as I slide into the trucks passenger side seat.

"He's cool. He's also my manager, not the owner, so he probably shouldn't be giving away free stuff" Nick smirks.

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