Chapter 48

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Graduation comes and goes. Nick didn't want to go, but I convinced him, and I like to think that he appreciated that in the end when he saw April and Holly cheering in the stands, proud smiles on their faces.

Marilee was there too, and she hugged me when it was over, wishing me luck. She even shook Nicks hand before rushing off the field.

It's a start.

After a summer spent working and saving as much as possible, Nick and I loaded up his truck for our move to Phoenix.  It was only 3 hours away, but it felt like a lifetime.

We're happy. Blissfully happy. A type of happiness I never realized before was even really possible. I know we'll struggle. But everything we endure, we'll endure it together. There is something truly beautiful in the kind of love we have. Nick has proved time and time again he was staying by my side, no matter what life threw at us. I trust him, and I trust us.

We can do this.

The apartment is small, but it's perfect. Nick carries me over the threshold like a new bride and we grin at each other like giddy children. A new beginning. A fresh start. A blank slate that we could develop together.

After unloading the last box, Nick walks up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and turning my face towards his. I smile against his mouth as his lips meet mine.

"We'll turn this place into a home" he says when he pulls back.

I squeeze his hand, "Yes Nick, we will."

This is the beginning of the rest of our lives.

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