Chapter 38

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I wake up lying beside Nick, my head in the crook of his shoulder and his arm wrapped tight across my waist. For a moment I just stare at him, afraid of waking him and breaking the spell. What if everything is different today? What if he wakes up and remembers all his reasons for staying away from me and decides to push me away again? I just got him back, I don't know if I could bear it.

"Good morning beautiful" Nick whispers, startling away my intrusive thoughts.

I sit up and smile back at him, relieved.

"Good morning"

Nick kisses my forehead before standing. "Want to get some breakfast?"

I look down at my rumpled skirt and tank top and grimace. Im actually glad I don't have a mirror, I probably look like a raccoon.

"I'd love to" I reply. "But I could really use a shower first. Or at-least a change of clothes. And a toothbrush."

Nick smirks, rolling up the sleeping bag and stashing it back in the corner. "We could stop at your place first? I've got a change of clothes in my truck."

We just spent the entire night together but I'm not even close to being tired of him. Luckily, I think he might feel the same. I want to spend every moment I can with Nick.. We have so much time to make up for.

"That sounds great"


"Will Marilee mind if I'm here?" Nick says as we pull up I front of my condo. I glance at the dash clock, reading 8:47 AM. "No. She's at work" I reply. Nick nods and opens his door, jogging to the other side of the truck to open mine.

When I unlock the front door and we step inside I catch Nick looking around, his hands in his pockets. I glance around the place too, taking it in with fresh eyes. It's nice enough, small, but there's not much here. No pictures on the wall or nicknacks on the tables. Its pretty bare, just a couch, a tv on a small stand, and a mini artificial Christmas tree on the dining table. I know if he looked in the fridge that would be bare too. Marilee has an okay job as a secretary at the church, but she spends every free dollar on making sure she and I "look our best". Nails, hair, makeup, clothes and shoes is where the money goes. The necessities, according to her.

I grasp Nicks hand and lead him back into my bedroom. "Have a seat" I say, gesturing to my bed. "I'll be quick." I hurry across the hall, closing the bathroom door and leaning my back against it. I feel a little exposed, having Nick in my house, in my bedroom. Dont over analyze it, I tell myself. This is Nick. Once upon a time he knew every in and out of my life.

I pull off my top and shimmy out of my skirt, glancing at my reflection in the mirror. Yikes, I grimace. Definitely a raccoon. I wipe off my makeup and quickly brush my teeth.

After a super fast shower I wrap myself in a towel and look around the bathroom. Shit. I didn't bring a change of clothes in here. Im going to have to go back in there like this. I tighten my towel and open the door tentatively but pause when I hear voices.

"Look, Marilee, I'm sorry. I'll leave"



"Yes. I think that would be best"

Forgetting my embarrassment I throw open the bathroom door.

"Marilee?" I look to the left and see Nick heading down the hall. "Nick? Wait!"

Nick shakes his head at me, his eyes flashing towards Marilee. "Sorry Mia but I've got to get going. I'll see you later okay?"

"What? No just wait one minute let me get dressed. Please"

"No" Marilee says from behind me.

I turn towards her with wide eyes "why?what's going on?"

"He is not welcome here" Marilee says, marching towards her room. She turns back just before shutting her door "Put some clothes on and get him out of my house!" The door slams with finality and I stare at it a moment, my jaw dropped in shock.

I look back towards Nick whose now standing in my open doorway, running his hand through his hair and staring at his shoes.

"I'm so sorry" I blurt. "Please. Let me get dressed. I'll be right out"

Nick meets my eyes and nods before stepping outside.

"Shit shit shit" I mumble to myself as I throw open my dresser drawers. I throw on a bra and underwear and slip on a t shirt dress before running back out front barefoot. Why would she treat him like that, I think. Nothing that happened before was Nicks fault. He was just a boy. A kid.

"Nick" I sigh, seeing his truck is still parked out front. I really wasn't sure if he would wait for me after that scene in there, and my heart stutters at the realization that he did.

"You didn't leave" I say as I come up to his driver side window.

Nick nods slightly "you asked me not to"

I meet his eyes, a small smile forming before I remember what just happened. "I can't believe she said that" I say. "I really don't understand"

Nick shrugs, "it's ok Mia. I'm use to it."

Use to it. He means his dad, I think. My heart breaks that this is normal treatment for him.

"No. It's not. And you shouldn't be" I reply. Nick just shrugs again and I start to feel so frustrated. Not with Nick but with life in general and the shittiest hand that he's been dealt. I reach through the open window to pop the lock and open the truck door. Nick looks at me with surprise as I slide onto his lap, pulling the door shut behind me. I lean into him, putting his face in my hands and leaning my forehead against his. He wraps his arms around me and tightens them at my waist in response. "You are good, Nick Parker" I whisper. "And anyone who doesn't see that in you in crazy. Okay? They dont deserve you."

Nick gives me a slight squeeze but doesn't reply. I drop my hands from his face and give him a kiss on his cheek before sliding off his lap and onto the passenger seat.

"So where are we headed?" I smirk as I click my seatbelt on.

Nick barks out a laugh "Not far" he says with a small smile "being that you don't have any shoes"

I look down and groan. Not again.

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