Chapter 16

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The next morning I call Cole to wish him good luck at his game this afternoon. He is short with me, and I know it's because he's bummed I couldn't make it up to watch. I really need my own car.

After we hang up I shower and dress for the day. I choose a pair of cut off shorts and a black fitted tank top. I curl my hair and clip the front few pieces back, leaving the rest hanging down my back. I add some mascara and walk into the living room, heading for the front door. Marilee is home today and I don't feel like hanging around her, she's been strangely moody the past few days. I grab my sunglasses and slip out the door. Deciding not to ask to borrow the car, I walk.

Not sure where I'm heading, I stop at the Save Mart down the street to grab a soda and a pack of sour watermelons. After I pay I turn towards the door, looking down at my wallet to stuff my change in when I run into something, hard.

"Ooof" I say, my flip flop sliding off my foot and landing hard on my butt. "Shit" I hear above me. I shift my eyes upward to see Nick standing above me.

"We've got to stop meeting like this" I say. He half smiles, shaking his head he reaches down to help me up. Once I'm securely on two feet again and have retrieved my traitorous flip flop I look again at Nick. He's wearing a Save Mart shirt. "Oh. Do you work here?" I ask, stupidly. "Yeah" he says, "my shift just finished, I was just heading out."

"Cool" I say, turning towards the door. Nick follows me out and I take a chance asking "have any plans for the rest of the day?" Nick glances over at me and says "Nah, just maybe catch up on some homework."

"Want to hangout?" I try.

He looks at me, and for a second I'm sure he's about to say yes, but then he shakes his head and says "I can't, sorry." He turns and walks towards his truck without glancing back.

Fine. I huff. Deciding not to let it bother me I turn and walk through the parking lot back to the side walk. I make it a few more steps when a truck pulls up beside me. Well if this isn't some deja vu, I think. Nick rolls down his window and says "You're walking?"

"Yep!" I say, popping a sour watermelon into my mouth.

"It's 100 degrees out" Nick replies.

I shrug, "I'm use to it." Nick rolls his eyes and with a grunt says "get in."

I'm not going to make him say that twice, so I quickly run to the passenger side door and hop in. I turn to him and smile "Change your mind about hanging out, did you?"

He snorts and says, "Where were you heading?"

"Im not really sure" I reply.

"Mia" he pauses, and I notice the way my name sounds so familiar on his lips. "You can't go walking around in the 100 degree sun without a destination. You will get heat stroke."

"Ok dad." I say, which doesn't come out nearly as witty as I intended when I realize we both know I don't actually have a dad. "I bought reinforcements" I quickly add, holding up my soda and sour watermelons.

Nick rolls his eyes, "That hardly helps."

"So where are we headed?" I say, changing the subject.

He's silent for a moment and then asks "You hungry?"

"Yes!" I reply. Nick pulls the truck onto the road and drives.

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