Chapter 47

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"You sure you want to do this now? We could always go shopping or something.."

"Don't tempt me, Marley! I need to get it over with."

I swipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. I'm not much of a shopper, in fact I'd rather do just about anything else. But right now I would choose shopping a thousand times over this meeting I'm about to have with Marilee.

"I'm kidding babe. I know you do. It's going to be fine"

I give her a look and she cackles "okay maybe not exactly fine. Marilee can be pretty scary sometimes. I think it's all that hairspray."

"You are not helping"

Marley laughs at her own joke again before taking my hand in hers "Seriously Mia, it will be okay. What's the worst that can happen? You're legally an adult and you've got your soul mate waiting for you. Everything will work out."

"My soulmate?" I say, giving myself one last distraction.

"Duh. He's loved you since before you even had boobs. Soulmate, obviously."

I roll my eyes playfully as Marley pulls up in front of Marilees condo. I realize I'm not even referring to it as my own home anymore. I guess it hasn't been, not really, not since the last time I saw her a couple months ago.

"Thank you for the ride" I say with a sigh as I grab the door handle.

"Sure. Now relax, imagine someone naked or something if she starts yelling again."


I knock on the door. It doesn't feel right to let myself in anymore. Marilee answers, wearing a perfectly ironed sundress and an updo with not a hair out of place. I hold back a laugh thinking about Marleys hairspray comment.

"Mia" Marilee says with a smile. "Come in"

I walk through the front door and take a seat at the small dining table. I watch Marilee from the corner of my eye as she flits around the kitchen like some sort of hostess. "Coffee? Tea?"

"No thank you" I say, scowling. This seems so incredibly insincere. Marilees strides over to me and grasps the back of the dining chair beside me, her fingers turning white.

Shes nervous.

I sigh, deciding to make the first the move.

"So you wanted to talk?"

Marilee nods, taking a seat beside me. She's quiet for a long moment before she meets my eyes and says "I've missed you." She takes a deep breath and gestures around her "this place can get a little lonely. I never realized"

I just nod my head, not sure how to respond to that.

"I'm sorry" she says, staring at her hands which are now in her lap. "For hitting you. I shouldn't of done that."

I close my eyes, that's what I wanted to hear, wasn't it?

"Thank you" I manage to reply.

"Are you still together then? You and that.. boy?"

I mentally roll my eyes. "Nick. You know his name. You know him. And yes, we are."

Marilee sighs audibly, lifting her gaze to meet mine. "I guess that's a lesson you'll have to learn on your own then. I hoped to god that I could stop you from making my own mistakes.. but here we are."

I feel the anger rising inside me but I do everything in my power to tamper it down. I won't let her get to me.

"You judge him unfairly."

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