Chapter 7

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I've imagined this moment so many times in my head that it feels like a dream. But it's not. It's real. This is Nick, he's back, and he's sitting right in front of me.

"Remember me?" I ask.

He looks up and his mouth drops a little, but he doesn't reply. His navy shirt matches his eyes and I can't help but notice how grown he is. I release the breath I was holding, "Is this seat taken?"

He rubs his forehead and sighs, "Have at it."

I sit down and look at him. He's looking at his book again, but I can tell he's not reading since his eyes are frozen in one spot. My heart is racing but I put on a false bravado to try to ease the tension, "hey old friend!" I squeak.

Why did I do that? I mentally smack myself. Embarrassing.

He glances up at me, "I told you, were not friends."

My eyes widen, "Okaaay, ouch."
He shakes his head slightly, looking back down at his book he mumbles "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

Now my pulse is pounding, I can feel the tick tick tick in my throat like a bomb ready to go off. I force the nerves down with a swallow and say, "well... maybe you just need reminding?"

I know I'm trying too hard. He probably thinks I'm pathetic. Heck even I think I'm being pathetic. But this is Nick. My Nick. I just can't let it go that easily.

He looks up at me again, this time with a strange expression on his face, something between humor and regret.  He holds my gaze a moment and then gives me a small nod.

Taking that as encouragement I continue. "So..." I tap my fingers against the table nervously, "when did you move back?" Tap tap tap. 

"About two weeks ago" he replies, looking at his book again.

Two weeks. 14 days in the same city and he didn't try to find me. If the roles were reversed he would of been the first person I tracked down.

"Cool" I reply, holding back what I really want to say. Tap tap tap. 

Why does it feel so hard to talk to him? It's like talking to a wall. For a lack of anything better to say I glance at the book he's reading and ramble "Calculus? Oh no, you must have Mr. Norris. He is a beast. His class is so hard."

He doesn't reply and I tap my fingers against the table again.

Tap tap tap.

He places his hand over mine, stilling my fingers. My eyes shoot to his hand and then back to his face. He holds my gaze for a second, then removes his hand.

I think I might of gone into cardiac arrest.

"No I'm trying to test out of that class. I take the exam this afternoon" he replies. A faint color comes to his cheeks. Is he blushing?

"That's right" I say, remembering how smart he is. "You were always so good at school. Especially math."

Again he doesn't reply, but his cheeks grow faintly pinker. definitely blushing.

I keep trying.

"What I would do to test out of that class..." remembering a different time I take a chance and say "Come on Luke Skywalker" I grin, "Teach me your ways."

With his head still down he replies, "Not today, Princess Leia."

My heart rate picks back up. I narrow my eyes at him and reach across the table to poke him in the chest. "I knew it! You do remember!"

Nick lifts his head and looks me in the eyes for a moment. I catch a small almost unnoticeable tilt of his mouth and I whisper shout "Admit it! You do. And I can tell you're trying not to smile!"

He keeps looking at me, and this time with a real smile breaking out across his face.

And wow, that is one beautiful smile.

I startle as an arm snakes around my shoulders and I feel someone's breath in my ear, "babe" Cole says. "What are you doing? Marley said you were meeting us in the quad."

I hear metal chair legs screech across the floor and glance back to see Nick stand up to leave. I watch him walk away without looking back at me.

I sigh. "Sorry" I say to Cole. "Let's head there together now." I stand and grab his hand. Cole follows me with a strange expression on his face. Once we reach the cafeteria doors he tugs my hand, pulling me towards him.

"Why were you talking to that loser?" he says lowly.

I scoff, "he is not a loser."

"Mia" Cole says, "he's sitting alone at lunch reading a math book, that is the definition of loser."

I'm about to give an angry retort when I notice the look in Coles eyes. He seems, I don't know, hurt? Jealous maybe? For some reason that makes me feel guilty. Do I have a reason to be guilty? Yes I've spent the last few days obsessing over another guy, but not in a romantic way.. I loved Nick. Ill probably always love Nick. But we were children then, and the grown Nick doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. Anyway, Cole is my boyfriend now and I don't mean to be jeopardizing that.

Coming out of my thoughts I squeeze Cole's hand and lean in to kiss him on the cheek. "I was just being nice Cole, you should try it" I joke with a wink. He smiles and then smacks my ass playfully, "Only for you babe".


After lunch I'm walking to my next class when I see Nick standing by what must be his locker. I slow as I watch him throw his stuff in and shut the metal door before heading off in the opposite direction. Just then I remember the picture I had brought in my purse. I quickly veer towards his locker and discreetly slip it into the crack of the door, smiling to myself as I walk away.

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