Chapter 41

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Nick and I slip inside the house, hand in hand, only to find Liam and Marley waiting for us with cake and champagne.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" they begin to sing as I walk towards the table where they stand. Nick chimes in the singing and I squeeze his hand contentedly. This day feels unreal, and I'm just so, so happy.

"Make a wish" Marley says and I look over at her, and then to Liam, and finally to Nick who's smiling at me with that big beautiful smile of his and I swear my heart feels like it could burst. I am so lucky. Smiling back at my friends I take a deep breath and blow, wishing that every day could feel just like this one.

Later that night I slip into bed, letting the cool slippery sheets pull me in. A few minutes later Nick slides in beside me, hair still damp from his shower, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my back to his chest. I sigh contentedly as his hand slides under the hem of my tanktop across my stomach and his lips tickle the spot beneath my ear.

"I love you, birthday girl" he whispers, and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to engrave this day, this moment in my memory forever.

Nicks kisses a trail across my neck and jaw, spreading goosebumps across my flesh. His fingers draw lazy circles across my bare stomach and I feel myself involuntarily arching into his touch. "I love you too" I whisper back, turning my body around to face his.

Nick brings his hand up to my face, tracing my eyes and across my lips. "I can't believe I have you here" he whispers. "Sometimes it feels like a dream. I don't deserve this, don't deserve you. The most perfect girl in the world."

"I'm nowhere near perfect Nick"

"You're perfect for me"

I grasp his face in my hands, bringing his mouth to mine. My fingers tangle in his hair as his tongue meets mine, deepening the kiss. Eventually Nick pulls back with a sigh, putting his hands on my waist and pulling my body on top of his, tucking my head onto his chest. I want to protest, my body on fire and my mouth longing for more of his, but I can feel my eyes getting heavier as my body sags on top of his.

"Aren't I heavy?" I ask, snuggling into the comfort of his body under mine.

"No" he replies gruffly, tightening his arms across me, "stay."

"Yes sir" I reply with a smile, closing my eyes and breathing in his soapy scent. I feel Nick relax beneath me, his breaths becoming deeper and farther between.

I close my eyes, feeling more content and at ease than ever before, and soon drift off to sleep.


The next morning the four of us begrudgingly pack our things and clean up our mess before piling into Marleys car. As we drive away I stare out the window at the ocean, feeling a sense of foreboding, like this weekend was too good to be true. Too good to continue after we get back to real life.

I feel Nick's eyes on me from the side and turn to face him. He looks at me questionably, sensing something is wrong, but I just smile back at him, pushing away my irrational thoughts. I can tell he sees through it, but he doesn't say anything. Instead he pulls me into his side, tucking my head onto his shoulder and entwining his fingers with mine.

I ask Marley to drop me off at my house when we get back into town. As much as I want to spend another night with Nick, I know I need to go home to prepare my things for the week. When I walk inside the place is dark and Marilee's not home. I head towards my bedroom, flicking on the lights and throwing my bag on the floor. As I'm tugging out my pony tail I see a flashing light beside my bed and realize it's my cell phone. I left it here and didn't even realize.. I suppose I was with the only people I cared to talk to anyway.

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