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My hands shake as I hold the tiny velvet box in my hands.

Today's the day.

Mia told me she was pregnant a month ago. At first I was.. well, shocked. Hell, we weren't planning this. We had talked about it, of course. But it was something we dreamed of happening in our far off future, not now. I had just finished my engineering degree, graduated 2 months ago and Mia still has another semester to go.

It wasn't the plan. But the more I thought about it, the happier I became.

I'm going to be a father.

That thought is scary as shit. I had no good example of that role in my life growing up. But hell, atleast I know what not to be.

Mia is convinced I'll be the best dad, that I'll use those bad experiences and turn them into something good. And you know what? I believe her. I'm more than the sum of my past. It's something that took me a long time to understand, but I know that now.

I love that baby so much already. A piece of Mia and I, a physical representation of our love for one another. I can't wait to meet him. Or her.

And I can't wait a moment longer to make Mia my wife.

Marley flew in from California for summer break and once I told her my plans she insisted she help pick out the ring. Honestly that was a little scary- I was sure she would pick something outrageous and way out of my price range. But I was wrong, she knows Mia better than I give her credit for, and she helped me pick the most perfect ring.

Liam took Mia shopping this morning, claiming to need help finding a birthday gift for his newest girlfriend. Him and Marley aren't together anymore, but they've remained friends. I can't help but laugh when I think back on my first impression of Liam. I thought he was a pretentious prick in that sports car of his, but turns out he became one of my best friends.

I hear the door unlock and I shake away my thoughts, focusing on what I'm about to do.

I wanted to do this in our old treehouse, but someone bought the empty lot and tore the thing down.

It doesn't matter anyway. Our life, our love- it doesn't exist in a place, it exists inside us. As long as I'm with Mia, I'm home.

I hear Mia gasp as she opens the door. I left a trail of candles and daisies leading from the front door to our future babies room. I had put the crib together this morning and added some bedding I had seen Mia eyeing at the mall last week.

"Nick?" She says softly, as she rounds the corner into the room.

"The crib!" She exclaims as she walks in, "oh Nick, it's perfect"

I have my back to her and she comes to stand beside me. I turn, locking eyes with her and she gasps. I know she can read every emotion in my eyes. She can see my excitement, nervousness, but most of all, love.

"Mia" I whisper as I grab her hand, sliding down onto one knee. My hands shake as I pull the box out of my back pocket and I watch a tear fall from Mia's eyes.

"Ive known you were my destiny since the day I met you. I may not of understood it then, but deep down, I knew. You saved me, Mia. You pulled me out of a meaningless existence and gave me a purpose. I'm yours, forever. Please Mia-mine, be my wife?"

The tears are pouring from her eyes now. She reaches out, placing a hand on her growing belly and one on my cheek.


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