Chapter 36

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I kissed her. As I pull back from her mouth I realize I have broken every rule I've set, every vow I've made to myself. But right now, I couldn't give a damn. To hell with my self control. When my lips met hers I was gone. A total and complete goner. I am hers now.

I think I always was.

I'll never forget the day I first met Mia. A tiny, skinny little thing with her dirty blonde hair pulled back in pigtails. She hid behind her moms legs as my dad hauled me out of our trailer with his pretend nice guy voice. "Hey buddy, why don't you meet Mia?" He said with a rough squeeze to my arm. "She's a special little thing, ain't she? Just like her mama."

The little girls eyes widened as they darted to my arm, then back to meet my gaze. I was a master at blending in the background, being the silent observer, unnoticed. But the way that tiny girl stared at me with her big brown eyes, I realized with a jolt that I wasn't invisible to her.

I watched the girl carefully as she took a step out from behind her mom, giving me a tentative smile. As lonely as I was, it felt like a gift to have another kid to play with.. even if she was a girl. I smiled back and gestured to the treehouse in the backyard "Want to see my secret hideout?"

Little did I know that that skinny, knock-kneed girl would become my best friend, and that I would love her fiercely before I ever really even knew what love was.

And then I would leave her, crushing both our hearts in the process.

But I came back. I'm here. And now that I've gotten her back, I'll be damned if I let her go.

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