All my charecters! (pls read)

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Me: As you all know I love making side charecters just because I want to- but they actually are planned

Readers: ..your telling me this is scripted-

Me: yes and you live in a matrix- obviously not I am trying to save myself from making more charecters and have a charecter for each au act pretty much the same!

Readers: oh- yeah that that- makes sense

Me: so here are the charecters!

Charecter number:1

Name :Amanda

Charecter: she has been in the first one shot of " the prince" and she was Ranboo's sister her charecter is very different she is a sometimes nice but mostly evil character and she does have a slight crush on Tubbo which she stops to have after discovering that her brother loves Tubbo to death in short she is not that much of a bitch you think she is-

Sexuality: Straight (she is slightly homophobic but she understands she is wrong after She seeing Tubbo and Ranboo fall for each other)

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 19

Loves: Iced tea and summer type person

Charecter number:2

Name: Leo

Character: is in a lot of stories Tubbo has a crush on him is an idiot and loves Skylar . In charecter he is a quite talkative but very kind person also Stupid .

Sexuality: Straight (But support all of the other sexualities)

Pronouns: He/him


Loves: ice-cream hates winter/fall

Charecter number: 3

Name: Skylar

Charecter: she is rarely mentioned and has a crush on leo she is very sporty and kind if you met her you would be her best friend because she is an extrovert special!

Sexuality: Demi-sexual (support all the others)

Pronouns: they/her


Loves: sport favourite sport is tennis

Charecter number: 4

Name: Heather

Character: she has been in another fanfiction (Heather~ Bee duo) and she is the living embodiment of perfection she is Heather straight A's and straight everything except her sexuality . She loves her bestfriend Emily

Sexuality: Bisexual (and supports all the others)

Pronouns: They/her

Age : 18 (she is smarter then her age you know how Heather works!)

Loves :A nice hot cup of hot chocolate in freezing temperatures and dancing in the rain (you know main character energy-)

Charecter number : 5

Name: Emily

Charecter: she is rarely mentioned in (Heather~ Bee duo) she has a crush on Heather but she thinks Heather is too good for her she is a very kind hearted quite person. She loves reading books.

Sexuality: Demi-sexual (she support all the others and she hides her sexuality because she thinks Heather would think different of her in a bad way if she told her)

Pronouns: They/her

Age: 19

Loves : books and loves dark chocolate she also loves people with a good fashion taste and loves vintage style a lot.

Charecter number: 6

Name: Charlotte (no offense to any Charlotte I needed a mean girl-)

Charecter: never mentioned but she is basically a full on bitch you can hate on you know the villain of every fanfiction this is her.

Sexuality: Straight (and is homophobic.....I ran her over with my car so do not know if she still is-)

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 19

Loves: Gossips

Charecter number:7

Name: Aria

Charecter: She Leo's sister and Is very playful and nice if she is in a story she is a love interest to Ranboo but she does not like Ranboo cause she ships bee duo she is kind of like Lani in a personality perspective.

Sexuality: Unknown

Pronouns: They/her


Loves: fall is her favourite season is a Halloween lover and loves pumpkin spice latte alot (you have to try it if you have not because Halloween season is Month- but I think they are out pumpkin spice is out on my starbucks so good for me-)

And last but not the least!

Name : Rory Quinn (yeah that is my real name ..fancy I know! It has a pog meaning too! A red haired king 😂 yeah my last name is Quinn and my first name means red haired king ironic-)

Charecter: I I do not know what to write- but I guess yeah..I will actually be mentioned in stories my character basically breaks forth wall in between to either to hype a charecter or to trash talk a charecter- yeah I have issues-

Sexuality: Bisexual (loves everyone-)

Pronouns: does not give a fuck (they/her I do not mind because Ranboo aka gender man stole my gender so- he? I guess I am fine with that too-)

Age: 19 (5th August any Leo ♌ bitches like me-)

Loves: writting and love some good reading of a fanfiction (you can find me in almost every bee duo fictions comment sections-)

And that is it for my extra charecters who you will see.... Now! Ask for a request I shall fulfill by writting a one-shot for you!

Keep in mind a one-shot not a freaking paragraph of storyline I have to write the story in (2000-3000) which is the max limit but most probably around 1500 would be my capacity to write-

Also I would try to do your request as soon as possible but it might not be so easy because I have exam right now but I will try my best to do them as fast as possible also you can use any charecters that I have mentioned but you can not use Aria she has lore and secrets-

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