my soulmate?

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So in this world you get assigned a colour which you and your soulmate accossiate with and Ranboo and Tubbo have the same colour (I mean duh-)

So let's see how they figure this out-

Ranboo's pov

...urgh why do I have to get up so early-

(Me at 10 am the morning be like: )

Oh- wait it is the day I get my soulmate colour..

Oh god...I wish it is Tubbo..why would he be your soulmate..

I would literally do anything to be his soulmate but...

I don't think he would like me anyways...I sigh..

I get up to look at the bracelet in my is yellow?

Ironically..that is Tubbo's favourite colour..

I get a call is Tubbo 'Hey Tubbo-'

'What was your favourite colour Ranboo?' my face turns red why..why did he ask me first.. anyways..

'it is like a blue but it is too much of a dick to be purple-'

(BHAHAHA- I remember when Follish asked Ranboo his favourite colour he gave this- 😂 so for people who don't know their colours it means Indigo- it is a pretty colour I like it but my favourite is red what is your favourite colour tell me!)

'uh- my favourite colour is Indigo' I say quickly but I cross my fingers..

'my bracelet colour is indigo too... uh- what is your bracelets colour?' he slightly stutterd..

'it is a yellow why?'

'Ranboo...we have each other's favourite colours'

'i-i know but it could be a coincidence?' I say ..I mean it could be one...or atleast Tubbo would hope it is just a coincidence..

Tubbo's pov

'yeah but-uh when we see eachother next week we..can find out' ..see he obviously suggests it to be a coincidence is that not a clear sign that he doesn't like you..

My heart felt heavy...urgh stupid crush..what if we are soulmates..then..

He is going to be so disappointed ...a tear escaped my eyes ..

'Y-yeah..but what if we know?'

'i..I mean what are the chances..r-right? But uh- if we are I don't mind' ..shit why did you say that ..

'i don't either to be honest' my face was red I wiped the slight tears ..

'a-anyways we can see that next week'

'yeah bye Tubbo'


(Calm down bee boi-)

My face was so red ..who do I call when I need help?

(What- what kind of Dora the explorer shit us that? What do need a talking bag pack-)


(Oh- yeah him too but I was thinking maybe a bag pack-)

'Heya bee bo-'


'sorry! I jus-uh'

'wait? You found your soulmate colour?'


'a little less loud please?'

'okay is indigo and guess who's favourite colour is Indigo?'

'I don't know but judging by your excitement probably Ranboo?'



'sorry! I am just very happy! What if we actually are soulmates!'

'what if you are not?'

(Me: Tommy sabotage a little bit more I need more angst

Tommy:Yeah but what do I get if I do that?

Me:I will write more Dristainnit scenes-

Tommy:You had me at Drista

Me: Oh-i mean that was easier then I thought- )

' no but in full seriousness I think Ranboo loves you and so do you so is not like some ment to be kind of shit?'

'but ..what if he thinks it is weird that we are soulmates I mean I am not even sure of his sexuality-'

'wait? Ranboo never told you?'

'huh?what do mean?'

'ranboo came out to me Phill and wilbur in a call like 4 months ago? Well as bisexual actually'

'wait what?' 'Yeah even Niki and Techno know about Ranboo? Why did he not tell you?'

'i..I don't know does he not trust me?'

'i would not think that because you support everything but I think it was because you know you are canonical husbands so you do flirt a lot maybe he thought you would think weird of it?'

'..yeah..I guess..well uh- I will be off'

'sure but please do not over think it Tubbo'

'yup it'

..why would ranboo not tell me..

I sigh..

..we do have a recording later on ..I could ask him..

Ranboo's pov

..okay come to think of it the possibility of Tubbo getting Indigo as a soulmate favourite colour when that is mine is very low?

I sigh..well I do have a recording with him in like 2 hours might as well prep ...

*2 hours later because narrotor forgot what she had in plan for the 2 hours stupid-*

I came into the call 'Hey Tubbo'

'oh hey Ranboo before we start the recording..I uh- wanted to ask you something?'

'sure? Uh what is it?'

'i was talking to Tommy earlier and he told me you came out bi to him Wilbur and Phill like 4 months ago..why did you not tell me?' his voice sounded slightly sad like he was hurt..

I thought he would hate me or treat me different or feel uncomfortable around me..

'i..I just-' 'am I not trustworthy?'

'No no it is not like that I trust you with my whole life ..just I know you are my best friend and it was just..I thought you would be uncomfortable around me which I would hate.. please do not take it the wrong way I just thought that..urgh sorry'

'no need to apologise I would have liked to know earlier if you do consider me a friend you would have told me earlier I would support you non the less plus why would I be uncomfortable when I am gay myself-i mean-'

(I mean oops 😬-)


'oh- ahah..I uh- didn't tell you that either I am uh-'

'you are gay? I thought- you know what let us just calm down we do need to record and then we can talk alright?'

'yup sure what is it about?'

'minecraft but gravity changes very 2 minutes'

'what- I thought it was the strongest force on earth! How?'

'in minecraft' 'oh well that sucks' I laugh..

You will get part 2 later Because THE AUTHOR SUCKS AND FORGOT ABOUT FAKE DATING! I EVEN HAVE A REQUEST KILL ME- ..I mean *coughs* I am fine..I got this peace my readers-

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