Fake Dating part 4

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You guys chose bagels meaning angst time get your tissues my people cause I have the spice bucket of angst right next to me!

Ranboo's pov

It has been amazing since last week Tubbo has not even left my sight ..

..It took me time to relise this but..he actually thinks of me as a world he has been the best boyfriend of all time..

(Just wait till I ruin that- I need audience retention I don't care for your happiness-)

I was in class and I had been very bored..

I need to give this bracelet I got for him ..I hope he likes it..

But other then that I was having a great day ..

Tubbo had literally got me flowers this morning and my day has been great ever since..

I could not stop smiling..

(Just wait for it- I am going to ruin it of all of you-)

I walked outside to see Tubbo in the hallway he was talking?

But like in sign language with-

...Leo ..

Are you sure he thinks of you as a world? I mean he looks to like Leo more..

Huh? ..what was that ..

Simple to say he obviously likes Leo I mean just look at them do they not make a good couple..

..they do..

And then look at you..just some pathetic bracelet is gonna make him like you I mean even some flowers made your day but him he has got better things to do than stay liking you..

..it is true..no..Tubbo likes me he told me the moment he thinks he lost feelings he would tell me and Tubbo is not a liar atleast not me! Snap out of it..

'Ranboo? Ranboo? Are you okay?' Tubbo was shaking me worried..

'huh?' 'Oh my gosh Ranboo you scared me so much'

'what happened?' I asked confused..

'you had a panick attack..are you okay..what triggered it.. please tell me..'he asked softly how could I not tell him..

Tubbo's pov

'Leo you got this! Skylar loves you I promise!'

'really you think so?'

'of course I do-' ..I stoped mid way through my sentence to look at Ranboo I smiled and him but he had no reaction..

'R-ranboo? Are you okay?' I slightly shook him ..

His breath got faster oh my gosh he is having a panick attack

'Ranboo! Ranboo? Are you okay please breathe'

He said 'huh?'

'you scared me.. are you okay..' I hugged him closer ..

'what happened?'

'you had a panick attack..are you okay...what triggered it.. please tell me' I say softly..

He was confused..'i..I just uh..I got you a present..and then I don't know..'

'you are okay now right?' ..I was worried what happened is he gonna be okay Ranboo doesn't usually have panick attacks ..unless something makes him sad..

'i am fine..I think ..'

I try to lighten the mood ' You know Leo is going to confess to Skylar' I smile

'..oh sorry'

'what?' 'i don't know my head is spinning right now..'

Does ...'Ranboo?'


'do you still think I like Leo?'

'..I...just .. don't know..'

I felt tears forming...

Of course he doesn't believe you I mean who would to be honest you are just a person you goes around switching on people when ever you want to..

'tubbo?..are you crying?'

'i-i no ..just I am so sorry ..I just switch on you don't I..you don't feel loved around me right?..if I can't make that one person who j love smile.. for once ..why are you even with me...I am nothing but a pain I am so so sorry-'

'Tubbo never think that ..I have had the best week of my entire life...I just don't know..urgh..can I tell you something I never told you before?'

I nod slightly..'I have face Dysmorphia..I hate myself to death and I seem to think that is what other people think too..I am sorry..'

'no.. it's not your fault...trust me..I love you..'

'..love you too..i got you a present'

I smile..'what is it?'

'nothing much just a bracelet-'

'a bracelet? Let me see it!' I was really excited Ranboo has a good taste I mean have you seen his merch-


I gasp 'it is so cute'

'really? You like it?'

'for sure it is very cute not cuter then you' I smirk as he laughs..

Awww- Welp the ending of the perfect sadness combined!

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