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Ranboo's pov

'chat! Look this is so unfair he just keeps on stealing my stuff' I say as I hear Tubbo shout


'Chat! I have thief in the house I live in'

I see chat messages go by:

Oyesters_Unoriginal: Stealbo is of the hooks be aware of the thief British brotherins because he steal your hoodies-

I slightly laugh 'Okay but I can not steal his alright cause they would not fit me this is unfair!'

Another message:

Ilovednf1: only one thing you can steal-

Mars_bee: his heart?

Ilovednf1: eh close enough I was thinking food-

Rory: I mean people say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach

(Not is the samee for women-)

'Steal his heart by food? You do know that he is British they have no taste only Beans right?'

(Not true but this guy says after by a place that makes bacon donuts -they have bacon donuts in America- tell me that ain't worse then bean you mother Fucker-)

I just say 'Hey Bee'

I heard a soft 'What' from the other room almost not audible

(He talking in 20 decibels-)

'Let me steal your heart!'

'WHAT?' as I laugh

'Let me steal your heart! I will give you my hoodies for your heart!'

'I am not giving you my soul I would like to keep it'

'I would love to keep my hoodies too so hand it over' I say as he laughs

'I cannot just hand you my heart it is for a person that deserves my love' he says dramatically tho I knew he was joking ..

But I felt like their was a person he would actually give his heart him having a crush..

I never really have asked him about this so I do not have any idea whatsoever if he does ..

'what? Do I not deserve my husband's love?' I say dramatically as he laughs

'You are stupid'

'Correction I am your stupid'

Ilovednf1: what the hell- he is SMOOTH-

Mars_bee: learn from this guy-

I felt slightly guilty for making such a joke he usually goes with all the flirting heck he usually starts them but he wasn't answering I heard him answer

'alright my stupid give me more hoodies'

As I slightly felt relieved ..gosh I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I made him uncomfortable..

'I will be off stealbo stealing more' as I laugh as he walks into a wall as I burst out laughing




'WHATEVER SCREW YOU BITCH-' I was laughing with chat about it after that I stream for quite a bit it was fun I haven't stream with chat like this in a while and oh boy it was entertaining Tommy had joined for a bit too and the whole bit thing continuing of "stealbo"

After the stream I went outside to the living room seeing Tubbo sleep with my hoodie on ..

Oh my god he is literally the cutest man alive-

(We get it-)

I blush ...

Stop that is so weird ...urgh it really is why are you blushing for your best friend..

He doesn't even like you ..

I quickly shook my head walking into the kitchen and taking a glass of water as I felt arms wrap around me  ...

Obviously Tubbo's hands as he says 'Boo you have been spooked by stealbo'

As I laugh 'Alright stealbo can I ask you something?'

'mhm what?'

'you look hotter then my husband marry me' as he hits me

'I am your husband'

I fake gasp 'i totally never realised' I sayas he shoves me

'Divorce arc'

'NOOO MY HOT HUSBAND-' I laugh as he does too we both break charecter bursting out laughing on the kitchen floor ..

Yup I will end it their because I have issues-

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