anniversary? (short)

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First of all thank you all so much for reading this for so long this is my 100th one-shot in my book!

So gotta make it special also I can't believe I have done:

55 proper one-shots [900-3000 word count]

17 shorts (now 18) [100-800 word count with round off]

and 27 useless commentary or author's notes so FAR-

I really need help- anyways so bee duo celebrates their anniversary of getting together

(fun fact me and my boyfriend got together 4 years ago in about 2 days yup my 4th anniversary of getting with him this is pretty epic I won't post this weekend so soory!)

Ranboo's pov

'Really Tubbo would love any gift you give him as long as you love him you know' Tommy said yawning

We have been searching for this specific snow-globe Tubbo has said he has wanted to get for so long but didn't cause they were out of Stock but not for me!

I am getting him this present and now

(So this is inspired by the time my boyfriend looked around the entire Uk to find the one really good candy I liked which is an American wasn't even a special day what the fuck felix-)

'Just One last shop we can find it! I know it is going to be in Auntie Emilia's shop'

(ilovednf1 I am borrowing auntie Emilia for this-)

'alright fine the last shop we are going to because If I am any more late Wilbur will kill me'

As I enter the shop 'Hey Miss Emilia'

'Oh how are you dear'

'great but did you get the snow-globe by any chance!?'

'i could never forget your anniversary present Ranboo' she smiled sweetly

'Here you go' it was wrapped in Tubbo's favourite wrapping paper with the box having a few oxide daisies on the side his favourite flower

'Thank you Auntie Emilia you are the best!' she smiles

'Wish him happy anniversary from me'

'Will do auntie Emilia'

I have gotta run because I have to go outside! I have to GO OUTSIDE! I KNOW-

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