Inspiration from a pretty brunette

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So their is this person who put out very interesting ideas and prompts to be used I ask for their permission to use it anyway and they said you can do it sooo

Thank u TUBBO_BEE_SMP for this:

Hopefully u like how this turns out

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Hopefully u like how this turns out..


Anyways hope u enjoy

Ranboo's pov

I walked into the beautiful forest ..

I was searching for an inspiration and what better then a beautiful forest surrounded with birds,animals and flowers..

I sigh...still no inspiration at all ...

I took may photos but none of them stood out ..

They were really good but I wanted a special one for this magazine..

I suddenly heard a soft talking of a person..

The voice was so sweet ..

I walk towards the voice ..

I look forward where their was bush..

As I look past it..

Was a beautiful brunette talking...

With bees..

It was a beautiful sight ..

My heart fluttered but I got a perfect shot I guess he may have heard the camera flash as he looked up at me ..

He immediately said 'hello?'

As I apologise 'sorry I am a professional photographer and could not control myself but to take a picture I could delete it if you want me to'

....I would hate if someone took a picture of me because of my terrible dysmorphia so it is very fair for him to not want me to either..

But his face spread into a smile 'I don't mind the bees are fantastic aren't they?'

(Tubbo.. something makes me feel like it wasn't just the bees-)

'well they do look amazing in swarms but are they not dangerous?'

'if you hurt them of course they are do not worry come closer' he extended his hand I could not help but to reach for it..

He then smiled 'You can take some pictures their is a very amazing waterfall in this forest'

'really? I would love to'

His hand did not let go of mine as he walked slightly in front of me ..

He is beautiful..

And so was the waterfall I got so many good pictures of both the water fall and the brunette

As I say 'wow you are very photogenic'

His face flushed but I think that was just me overthinking

He then said 'my name is Tubbo what is yours?'

'Ranboo' ..

'wait- as in Ranboo beloved? I knew you looked familiar!' his voice tainted excitement

'You know me?'

'know you? I am big fan of your photos my favourite being the
Starry falls..'

'that is also my favourite because it looked so amazing people come up to me so many times about the meaning behind it but the true meaning is..'

'you find your inspiration by yourself right?'

I smile 'you are smart Tubbo but what are you doing in the forest?'

'I live in the city near by with my bestfriend and sometimes visit the bees I am an influncer online'

'really? What do u do?'

'i play minecraft with my friends online'

'hey wait you are uh toby Smith if I am correct?'

'wait you know me?'

'yes I am a huge fan of your friend Wilbur I enjoy his music'

'that is amazing'

'well If you do not mind me asking can I get your number? We can talk sometime'

(Alright introverts write it down-)

He nodded 'Here **********'

'Thank u Tubbo will talk to you some day gotta run for my inspiration' he smiles

Oh he can literally kill me with his smile alone..

(smp but with an i-)

I walk back to the city I needed some shots of the town square bridge

Sooo yeah I have a part 2 do not worry-

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