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Dynamic: Romantic (just a kiss-)
So Tubbo was extremely tired because he had been streaming for 5 he could literally pass out if he did not have the coffee Ranboo made him..and he decided to go to sleep obviously grabbing his favourite pillow (*coughs* Ranboo *coughs*)

And he hugged as he feel asleep not knowing the fact that a strawberry will change everything the next morning..

(That was actually a good explanation..look at me go I am proud of myself!)

Ranboo's pov

I woke up to a cute Tubbo sleeping literally on top of me like his head was squished on the Crook of my neck and my hands were on his waist ..

I do not want to walk him up I slightly try to get him off..

He groans 'Stop shaking memory boy I want sleep bitch'

I slightly let out a chuckle he frowns 'You woke me up!'

'Sorry who decided that I was their pillow what do you expect me not waking you up?'

He slightly smiles but does not get off me..

...this might be a good time to tell you that I am a blushing mess...and I do not want Tubbo to look up..

Oh god why did you have to have a crush on the one guy who won't like you..

Darn it..I slightly move as Tubbo looks up a glares at me 'Tubbo I need to get up please'

'..urgh ..fine' he moves off frowning as I laugh 'How about I hug you after a shower ?'

'Do not worry I will suffocate you in a cuddle right after you do not need to tell me'

(That was awfully threatening- but cute at the same time-)

I roll my eyes and go off to get a shower..

Tubbo's pov

..Welp now I have to get up...I don't want to..

(Me everyday in the morning: )

I get up go to my bathroom and brush my teeth..

(Seperate bathrooms- I hope they do have seperate showers other wise scheduling streams would be a mess-)

I took a shower and changed and went to the kitchen to see Ranboo there..

'Ranboo if you try and cook again the house will burn down you know?'

'Yeah but I can cut fruits gosh darn it' he scoffs as I say 'How about a safer knife then that one' I hand him a knife which is sharp enough to cute fruits but not his hands..

He groans 'I only burnt down a kitchen once and this happens!'

'..sure...' I say as he slightly laughs with my hesitation..

..okay...what do you do when you like someone..

(Tell them?)

Tell them?

(...did- he just-  just read my mind-)

I...I guess ...I could tell him..right? I mean what is the worst that could happen?

(Him rejecting you and you being a depressed individual forever-) tho..

'Hey do we still have the straw berries?'

'Yeah? We bought them yesterday it is in the Fanta shelf of the fridge..

(This is a thing- They have a fanta shelf- you can search the clip it is hilarious 😂-)

I slightly laugh as I took one strawberry...

I think the best way of confession is being straight forward right?

(Uh..where are you going with this-)

..I tap Ranboo on the shoulder he looks back at me looking at me with a 'what Tubbo?' kind of a look..

I smirk he looks confused

( You mean scared-)

I grab the collar of his Sweater as his face is positioned right on my lips..

I took a bit of the straw berry and the other end was on Ranboo's lips..

As I bit my side..I closed my eyes..

I heard Ranboo bit the other end of the strawberry..

And ..the seed touched my tongue as Ranboo kissed me on the lips..

(I guess it worked then-)

The seed was now in Ranboo's mouth as we seperated..

Ranboo's face was a mixture of confusion and fluster ..I would be lying if I say I wasn't blushing too..

As I say 'The strawberry is good'

'Mhm' he nods going back to where he was ..I walk off did not work- WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE KISSING AND THEN ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED- Welp I guess you have to beg for me to write a part two ...I already wrote a part 2 but I will not upload it yet cause I am evil-

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