Aria lore (part 2) {re-upload I deleted it by accident-}

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Misleading title- but I don't have a tital for the other one-

So yeah- part 2 continuation-

Tubbo's pov

..I sigh prom is now in 2 weeks ..

And you have one one to go with ..

I don't really mind going alone to be honest but ..I kind of want to ask Ranboo-

I mean it's not like I-uh like him just cause he uh- he makes me comfortable plus he is my friend ..

I mean I could just ask him just for prom right?..I mean would he say yes..

Probably not ..even Leo did not like you why would he..

Why am I thinking that uh- I don't like Ranboo..

Anyways I was walking to the locker as I ran into someone I apologise ..

'oh Leo? Sorry I bumped into-'

'look I am really really sorry about-'

'no do not worry Leo I forgave you like 15 minutes after that argument trust me you do not need to apologise'

'So how has your day been?' 'great!'  I smile he looks slightly surprised

'are you sure you are?'

'yes look it is fine I do not care anymore I feel like I have gotten over it I am fine okay? Now go and ask Skylar out'

'how- how do u know about that-'

'kind of obvious but do not let me stop u from that please to ask her .. maybe even I might ask someone..'

'oh? Who are u asking?'

'uh- Ranboo' my face slightly flushed..

'good luck bee boi' he smirked as I slightly laugh

'whatever I am gonna see Boo' he waves as I walked towards Ranboo's locker

'Boo!' I say as he jumps 'oh my god-u just used your nickname for me against me?'

'i do tend to do that My angle baby kitten my meow meow-'

'stop... please ..' he was covering his I laugh ..

I laugh 'i had to anyways I uh-wanted to ask you something..'

'okay ask away bee' he looks back at his locker trying to get something from it as I say..

'you wanna go to prom with me?..' immediately regretting it..

Ranboo's pov

'you wanna go to prom with me?..'

I froze eyes widen my heart was pounding ..

Did he jus- did he just ask me to prom..


My face flushed I was so shocked I could not even speak..

'a-as friends o-of course ...' he quickly says .. right like that..

'of course bee I am gonna go to history..' I say as I quickly take my bag and walk off..

...of course he would not have asked you like I mean..he just sees you say a friend..

Plus nobody would like such an ugly face.. is true tho no one would like u..

I sigh but then I felt a tap on my shoulder I look to see Aria as she says 'Look I am really really sorry I swear to god had no intention to break your heart please Ranboo you are like Brother to me do not break your fr-'

'Arai? What- just calm down I am your friend of course do not get that in a wrong way plus I am not some really hopeless romantic so chill I do not want you to go apologise so much for it granted it hurt but doesn't anymore Arai'

I smile as she nods 'but I still am really sorry'

'you can apologise for that with an ice-cream'

'you do not even eat ice-cream that much'

'yeah because it is for bee ' I say plainly..

She slightly laughs 'oh? You know you could go with bee boi to the prom' .

'i am actually-' 'wait you guys are Dating! Amazing-'

'No no no do not make that assumption I am going with him as friends Aria' my face slightly flushed..

'but you are blushing' she teases as I laugh

"Whatever..' I do my eyes ...

Tubbo's pov

I really really fucked that one up..

Actually I think I just saved myself ..he was literally frozen at a spot..he was gonna probably be so disgusted by me..

I really could have made him so uncomfortable to such a point plus we have been through this .. nobody likes me..

*Epic montage of the next 2 weeks*

Oh god I am trying my best to get over Ranboo but ..I really really like him..

Realising it took a while but I tried not to adapt to the crush because that is what I did with Leo..and look what happened when I did..

I really need to stop this ..urgh..

But then he is just so nice to me ...and makes me feel....

.. whatever .. doesn't matter..

*At the prom*

..okay do not do something not do something not do something not do something stupid-

' you look really really hot Ranboo'

'Please stop Tubbo you have been doing this for 3 hours I do not want to hear you talk about how hot Ranboo us to me' Tommy said banging his head on the wall

'hey I am just nervous alright!'

'sure Tubbo' he rolls his eyes..

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