Handsome part 2

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You wanted a part 2 so why not-

Ranboo's pov

'Hey Tubbo?'

'yeah?' 'wanna go on a date to the duagon alley?'

'what?' "Did I hear that right?or am I having a dream or something"

I slightly chuckle 'a date to the duagon alley?'

'With who?' 'Tubbo I am asking you who else do you see here?'

'what?' 'i need a yes or a no Tubbo'

'i-uh sure?' his face was red okay how the fuck did I not notice I am actually oblivious

I drop him off at his class as I walk back towards Tommy and Drista because Tommy and I have the same class-

"Okay- why did I just think that- my face feels hot this weird?"

Was that Tommy's voice?

'Aww Little baby man is blushing'

Is that Wilbur teasing Tommy?

"I always knew Tommy had a crush on #####"

TOMMY HAS CRUSH ON #####? ..I didn't know that- I mean they do flirt a lot..

'Hey guy what are you guys on about'

'Dont say it Wilbur'

'tommy has a crush~'

'I DO NOT YOU ARE A DICK!' his face red I laugh

'it seems like you do tho Tommy'

'oh shut up you can say that after you confess to Tubbo you PUSSY-'

'I actually asked Tubbo on a date-'

'YOU WHAT?' Wilbur and Tommy said at the same time

'i thought you are oblivious?'

'but I did it looks like Tommy is the wussy in this case~' I smirk as Wilbur joins in

'Tommy why are you such a wuss you can't ask out #####? Seriously-'

'I DO NOT LIKE HER-' 'like who?'

Is that ####$? 'NO ONE' Tommy says as he drags me and Wilbur away as we burst out laughing Tommy's face was more red then his coat

(Because Gryffindor you know- also Wilbur is a gryffindor too-)

'okay enough fucking around' Professor Phill said

(Of course he is a teacher-)

*We are skipping to the date because I said so-*

'Hey Tub-' ..he is with Leo..right..

I always thought he liked Leo..maybe it is true what if he likes Leo more then you ..

I slightly regret asking him as Tubbo looks at me his face immediately brightens up

'Ranboo-uh I mean hey?'

Leo looks at Tubbo slightly rolling his eyes.."Tubbo seriously be a little less obvious to liking Ranboo you need to be natural for a date"


"Leo can you stop looking at me with a face of disapproval I am trying my best here ..urgh this is why he probably will eventually lose feelings for you"

'Tubbo?' 'uh yeah I will be at the alley'

'okay' I walk away..okay Maybe I should stop pushing myself so much like the others tell me I do..

Leo was trying to help Tubbo with my date? And I thought that..

Why would Tubbo think that I would eventually lose feelings for him tho..

He is perfect why would I..

I felt a tap on my shoulder 'Hey Ranboo I am here sorry that I was uh- late to this..'

'no no it is fine uh..wanna go to the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?'

(Yeah the joke shop- what? You want Flourish and blotts Library instead?- also help me make this more awkward then it seems-)

'sure' Tubbo is very shy-

"Seriously stop thinking about Ranboo you have issues Tubbo.."

About me? What about me-

"Okay yeah his eyes are cool..and mesmerizing..and pretty okay please stop"

I slightly blush 'So what do you want here?'

'how about the prank fake love potions?'

'i know those pink candy liquids taste amazing'

'yup and maybe a never fudge aka your favorite candy'

'what? Vanilla fudge with cinnamon Keely beans are good!'

'yeah and very unhealthy too'

'that is true but I just like sweets' I laugh

'well then I do have a surprise for you'

'what surprise?' 'well is it not the whole point of a surprise that it is a surprise?' I laugh as he huffs

'oh well where next?' 'i need a few wands from Ollivander's Shop '

'oh why?'

'me and Tommy were going to try a little joke on processor Phill and need extra wands nothing to worry about'

(Yeah- nothing to worry about-)

He laughs 'well you are gonna get in trouble'

'no I am not we have done this multiple times Tubbo plus if I do get caught who will take you on dates instead of being in detention'

(Mans really went their-)

His face slightly flushs as I smirk 'aww Tubbo is blushing'

'i hate my life'

'why?' 'because you are my life'


'why do you have a better pick up line all the time?'

'because I am just in my natural flirting arc with you'

'oh well I do need the wands you want one?'

'nope I have enough but can we go to quality quidditch supplies?'

'did you break your broom again?'

'yup' I laugh

'i just have a shear talent to break boorms'

'yeah- speaking of breaking brooms I got spelled today'

'what? Are you okay?'

'yeah the nurse told me to come back whenever I want but definitely tomorrow she does not really know anything about it but she told me to tell her if I feel unusual'

'you should be more careful Ranboo'

'i will from next time I promise'

'alright then how about we head back it is pretty late'

'yeah' I walked Tubbo off to his dorm and as I was walking through the hallway I heard a ..

"You should tell him" ..whose voice was that?

Dun dun dun- you don't get to know yet that is so peace out my readers

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