A Pokemon journey (part 3)

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Sadge- no bee duo today either but I am writing a bee duo Oneshot which will be out today so don't worry bee duo is always priority!

Tommy's pov

'Wow this is a great spot actually we can train here by this tree would be great for me I want to help Baulbasaur with seed bomb' Drista said as I smile nodding as I choose a nearby but before walking their I say

'Call me if you need anything' as she nodded while smiling 'Will do Tommy'

As I went back to the spot and Took out Charmander for training 'So Charmander you can easily do a flamethrower and overheat successfully so we should train you to do level 5 attacks like dragon claw or fire blast ' as Charmander cheers hearing about Dragon claw ...I guess he wants to train with it as I see a faint rock next to us..

'Charmander Dragon claw on that rock' I pointed at the rock as he easily destroys the rock 'wow looks like you were trained before or something' as I see Charmader hesitantly nod..wait he was trained before ? But I thought that Pokemons till only level 5 are given to us ?

'So are you a higer level? Charmader?' I ask as he nods 'Which level?6?' it shakes no '7?' it shakes no 'So 8?' as it nods

'That's great we can train so much with this Charmander ' as Charmander cheers this is cool looks like he is an experienced Charmander and he is quite the excited Pokemon and so am I ..

As I see a Pidgeotto 'Hey Charmader use tackle ' as Charmander does but Pidgeotto is too quick .

'Charmander come back .. Romeo go' I take out my Pikachu as I say 'Romeo quick attack' as he tackles him to the ground with the quick attack

And taking the chance I say 'Romeo Thunderbolt' as I sent out my Pokemon..and I caught Pidgeotto 'Thanks to Romeo we have Pidgeotto' as Pikachu cheers as I smile when I hear...

A Scream...wait that sounds like Drista as I run towards her 'DRISTA ARE U OK-'

As I laughed at the sight ...Drista got scared by a caterpie 'drista it is just a caterpie ' as I laugh louder as she gets slightly embarrassed

'Juliet I chose you...volt tackle' because caterpie was tired she easily caught him easily..

'did you catch something I heard you say we have- and it got cut off ' ' I caught Pidgeotto' 'I love flying types maybe one day my caterpie would be a butterfree'

I smile 'of course Drista but we should get moving we might reach their by tomorrow' as she nods as we start to get our bags I see a guy in a samurai suit behind Drista standing with a sword in silence....

'Hey Who are you?' I yell as I duck Drista and take her behind me..

'Oh I am a samurai And I am searching for the 6 people from Palet Town'

'That is us ! But what do you want?' I say I was not gonna let this guy anywhere near he has a fuckin sword who does that in 2021..

As he says 'I want to battle you to see if you're worthy of traveling'

He said plainly as I slightly let go of Drista who was behind me 'Fine 1-1?' I ask as he nods

He says 'I chose Pinsir '...

A Pinsir...hmmm 'I chose Charmader'

'Oh bug type you have advantage Tommy' Drista cheers ...

'Hey how about you go first ' I say

As he says 'Wise grip Pinsir' as I say 'Charmander you know what to do buddy' I wink as he does Dragon claw completely avoiding wise grip and damaging it instantly 'Now Charmader there is your chance overheat' as Pinsir falls to defeat..

'Wow your Pinsir is quite strong in energy but you need to speed up' I say as he nods 'What about the Girl?'

He asks as I look back as she nods reasuringly ...I am worried I hope it doesn't hurt her..

As he chooses 'Metapod go' as Drista choses 'Caterpie'

As he says 'Ha your girlfriend is an idiot does she not know how Pokemon evolutions work?'

As I say 'She has a plan Don't get ahead of yourself and she is not my girlfriend' I say Ticked off as she says

'Well the plan thing was a secret but I do and yes not my boyfriend I met him like 3 days ago-'

'Oh I misunderstood ..hmm Metapod harden'

As she says 'Caterpie string shot and Tackle' she says as Caterpie does her attack she starts glowing...'Drista it is evolving' I say as she smiles

' Metapod Tackle' as The samurai's Metapod loses composure of standing and Drista wins ...as I smile

' You Metapod is very strong for just being evolved drista' I say as she smiles

'So samurai let us through can you' ' after you tell me where your other friends are'

' We are traveling alone if your talking about Purpled and Astelic then they are probably lost right now in Veridian Forest' Drista says

as I add ' I have no idea where foolish is but also probably lost with his partner' the samurai nods and leaves..

'That was weird ..right?' Drista says as I nod

'Yeah super but he didn't do anything bad so I don't really care for a battle it is kind of just trainning.. we can leave Tomorrow let's set up a camp it's too late at night to care' I say as she nods

Looks like I should get a good night sleep before leaving to Pewter city gym...as I lay on my sleeping bag and she does to...as I slowly fall asleep...

Okay this might be short but I don't have anything else to cover this chapter but next chapter will be great..💚..

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