not the second choice anymore..

636 28 18

Dynamic Romantic (just a kiss)
So this au is very sad- I love making people cry- anyways this is basically an au where Ranboo is always the god damn second choice ..he did not mind at first because it is fine if your best friend likes the other and prefers the other but it really got out of hand when his parents preferred Amanda over him...he hated it because he got the best grades and Amanda barely got any she failed basically all of them..

She bullies him to the extent you would want to kill her...he hated it..

And then..that is when he noticed it all...his friends all preferred someone else over him...his parents also wanted Amanda over him...heck even teachers preffered smarter students then him..

Life sucked... until he met this girl who gave him his whole she would always be with him care about him...and then Ranboo made the biggest mistake by falling for the one ..

Ranboo's pov

...I am so happy.. Aria is perfect

(Yeah if you read the other side charecters you know she is Leo's sister)

I love her so much..and she does not think of me as a second thing...

I smiled as i felt someone tap my shoulder I look back to see my best friend Tubbo

I smile 'Hey Tubbo' 'Hey bossman...'

His voice sounded sad...low and ..just not like a the cheeky smile he gives me..

'Tubbo are you okay?' he nods..still not smiling 'Can you please smile Tubbo you look cuter when you do'

I saw a slight red tint on his cheeks..hmm is it cold here-

(..this Oblivious mother fucker- hold me back I am going to beat this bitch up till he realises-)

He then quickly smiles ..a small one but it did not feel content...

'Tubbo please tell me is something wrong?' I say as he shakes his head 'Nothing ...just-'

I look to my side to see Aria sit next to me ...'Hey Aria' I blush as I immediately even forget what I was talking to Tubbo about


She smiles and she says 'Ranboo can we meet outside for lunch?'

'Sure Aria' I smile as she walks off ..

I look back at Tubbo who seems to be even sadder...oh I doing the same thing making Tubbo suffer because I have a crush and prefer her?

I immediately say 'Hey Tubbo you can come too!' '..nah I will pass I have homework anyways-'

'You are not eating?'

'no I do not feel hungry..' he walks off...

What if he does not eat ...oh gosh..

This is my fault..

Tubbo's pov

I I walk away from Ranboo...

What did you think that Ranboo would like so so stupid...

I felt like crying ..I wanted to die..

..why does he have to like someone..

Why do I have to go through this...

I could have punched a wall..

I was sad...but mostly jealous and pissed..

..urgh...I hate myself..

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