pt. 3

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heejin pov

I started typing down codes that I learnt from my first year in college, trying to get into the museum database. Surprisingly, it was more difficult than hacking into the police database. 

My eyes constantly went to the drone monitoring screen, watching the mafia members' and each of their moves.

These are the notorious The Boyz? They need six people to steal one ruby heart?

I thought, scoffing at the whole situation I was witnessing.

"And... I'm in," I mumbled, seeing the museum database open up like a book.

I scanned the codes to see that some have already been tampered with. This means that they DO have a hacker. I placed a piece of paper on my laptop camera to hide my face, in case their hacker wants to play games with me. I coded in a long message to hide my ip address so that I can't be tracked either.

A familiar bright glint was met with my eyes as the copper-brown head opened it. He held the red ruby heart in his hand before slowly carrying it out and placing it on a trolley.

"Think you're done? Hold on," I asked.

For many, they say my hands work like magic. Helping them dig up dirt on their enemies, or taking revenge on their ex-es. My hands 'work like magic'. And in return, I get money; profits.

I started deleting the codes that have been tampered with by their hacker to fix it and make it right. Soon, the lights of the museum turned itself on one by one. It exposed the six members of the mafia in the museum.

"Haknyeon! What's going on?!" the copper-head male shouted in his intercoms. "What do you mean rehacking the system?!" he shouted again.

"Jacob, call Kevin. We need to go. Fast," the same male continued.

"I should get paid for this," I mumbled to myself.

Just as they were about to leave the museum, my drone dispersed something that I had programmed it to.

It was a card. At first glance, it looked like a welcoming cards but rest assured, it is very much not.

"Do you want to play with me?" the one I assume to be Jacob, picked the card up from the floor and read it.

"What the fuck it that supposed to mean," the feminine one exclaimed. "Where the hell did you find that?!"

"It just... fell," Jacob said.

"Well Jacob, name cards don't just fall from the fucking sky like rain now, does it?". The feminine boy now, rested his body weight on his right leg.

"Let's just go. We can deal with the card later," Q said, pulling out a walkie talkie. "Kevin where are you?" he began.

"Main street."

"Come get us now. Mission's cutting short."

"Why? What happened?"

"Someone decided that it was fun to mess with the town's mafia," Q said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I laughed at his comment. It was fun to mess with them, and see their faces go wide whenever they got spotted. To know that they aren't always that invincible or immortal.

"Will do. On my way," Kevin ended.

"Time for another car chase," I mumbled to myself as I hacked into the police database once more.

It was only a few minutes when I heard sirens sounding loudly, as the police cars headed to the heist venue. I switched back to my drone monitoring screen to see The Boyz leaving the museum to hop into the van as soon as Kevin arrived.

I controlled my drone to fly out the museum and to the top as I monitored their movements. It was not long until Kevin arrived with a bunch of police cars just a few blocks away. They loaded the ruby heart in the back before jumping into the van and speeding off.

I scanned the vehicle's plate number with my drone and pulled up all the info I had on it. Bought by Lee Sangyeon. That must be their leader's name. I programmed my drone to head back home and it responded quickly as such.

"Let's see what else I can dig up here."

Sangyeon pov

"We barely got out alive," Eric said, as Kevin turned into the base.

"Don't exaggerate. We were fine," Sunwoo spat back.

"Yeah well, until the lights were turned on," Eric bickered back.

"Sunwoo. Eric. Stop fighting," Jacob scolded, pushing the van door open.

If the two had bickered longer, it'll most probably end up with their fists in each other's faces.

As soon as we arrive, our guards flooded out of the door to unload the ruby from the back.

"Emergency meeting. Now," I ordered.

"EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK DOWN!" Changmin shouted into the walkie talkie.

I waited for the men to bring the ruby to our vault before starting the meeting.

"First order of business, we managed to steal the ruby heart as planned," I began, earning cheers of excitement from the other members. "Second order of business, someone decided it was funny to mess with us. Hak, have you tracked that source?" I asked.

All of us looked over at the navy blue haired boy who was vigorously typing on his laptop. His hands worked at light speed that it amazed me.

"Well, one thing's for sure. We're working with no rookie. They've blocked their ip address, and their camera, making it difficult to track. They also managed to hack the museum security system and made sure that the codes were unbreakable," Haknyeon shared with us. "However, I did find this," he began again, projecting his screen to the television screen.

The screen showed the view of one of the security cameras in the museum. There stood a drone that had dispensed the name card Jacob had picked up before.

"Can you track this drone? It'll lead us to whoever tried to mess with us," I asked.

"Already done it," Haknyeon continued as he switched his screen to another security camera from the street.  "I hacked into the town's security cameras and managed to track the drone to here," Haknyeon said, pointing to a second floor apartment where a girl sat at her window.

"Let's get her," Q said, blood starting to boil.

"Let's get her," Q said, blood starting to boil

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