pt. 15

594 21 3

Heejin pov

"It says here you lost your mother when you were young and your father has been put away in a mental hospital. Jacob tells me that you get nightmares too. Are these of any relation?" he asked.

I hit my lip for a moment before answering.

"Yes. I get nightmares about my father," I shared.

"Elaborate," Sangyeon prompted.

I took in a deep breath, trying to come up with an answer. "May I not? I find it pretty sensitive," I explained.

His eyes shot to Haknyeon beside him who was monitoring the machine. From the looks of it, it read that I was telling the truth.

"Very well. It'll be a story for another day," he said.

As soon as I thought that he was done, he spoke again.

"That night I sent my members to get you, I was watching the CCTV cameras together with Haknyeon. You put up a good fight. But how? Where did you learn to fight like that," Sangyeon asked.

"From college. Since my classes can end relatively late, I learn how to defend myself. A lady in this day and age can't walk safely you know," I lied, keeping my heart rate the same.

He looked over to the lie detector and nothing. It didn't ding. I pushed the corner of my lip into my cheek.

"If so, then we may have more use of you than just a hacker," his voice trailed.

He marked it down onto a file before speaking again. "I think, that is all. You are dismissed. Younghoon will be waiting for you outside. I think he wants to show you around the mansion."

I stood up from my seat and walked out of the office immediately. Outside, Sangyeon was right, partially. Younghoon stood there waiting beside Jacob who was probably about to go in.

"Have fun," I heard Younghoon whispered jokingly to Jacob before turning his attention to me. "Let's go on a mansion tour, shall we?" he invited.

Jacob pov

"Have fun," Younghoon commented teasingly.

I rolled my eyes before walking away from him and into Sangyeon's office.

"So what we got?" I asked.

"Well, for one thing, she does have fatherly issues," Haknyeon replied, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"She also said that her nightmares are related to her Dad," Sangyeon continued.

"She must be heavily affected by him if she tends to have nightmares," I added.

"So what do we do?" I continued to ask, prompting the leader.

"Let's wait. Maybe it'll passing quickly. She is still integrating into our lives. It can be new to her Sangyeon continued.

"However, let's pay a small visit to the mental hospital shall we? Test the waters a little," the brown haired man trailed.

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