pt .24

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heejin pov

The next day, I woke up earlier than usual to get ready to ask Sangyeon for permission to see my Dad. I got dressed in some light blue jeans and a white hoodie over it. I headed down the stairs to see Changmin and Hyunjae coming out from the chamber that Suyeon had been kept.

"What're y'all doing?" I asked.

"Figuring out how the girl managed to escape," Hyunjae said.

"No dig marks. No windows to even break. No cabinets or loose bricks in the wall," Changmin shared. "Nothing she could use to possibly get out of the chamber. Yet, look where we are now."

Changmin let out a huff of frustration.

"There's nothing y'all could've done," Sangyeon joined in from behind me. "She's part of a mafia and she probably had training to escape those type of chambers. All we can do now is to improve on it."

He was calm. Suspiciously, calm. Changmin and Hyunjae noticed it too, and exchanged glances with me.

"Aren't you supposed to get ready for your training with Juyeon later?" Sangyeon asked.

I could feel his eyes piercing the back of my head. I turned around and glanced at his eyes before looking away.

"Uh-uhm, I am supposed to- but I want to ask you if I can visit my Dad, in the hospital," I asked.

"Why would you want to meet your Dad? I thought he gave you trauma when you were younger," Sangyeon pointed out.

He's onto me.

"Right. It's just that the hospital needs me to meet him every three months, so that I can 'bond with him' or something like that. It's part of the post-trauma program that I'm still in," I shared. "It's about to be three months," I lied.

It was only about to be a month and a half.

"What happens if I don't let you go?" he asked.

"They'll come knocking on my apartment door and clearly see the broken glass and make a search for me," I replied. "Just being honest," I added quickly.

Sangyeon was silent. "Okay," he stated.

"Okay?" I asked back for confirmation.

"Okay," he repeated.

My eyes widened and my mouth fell in amazement.

"Thank you thank you thank you," I thanked.

"But-" he suddenly added. "Hyunjae has to follow you. For protection, since you're going to be out of the safety of the house," Sangyeon instructed.

"Okay, yeah sure," I agreed.

"Great. Y'all can leave after breakfast," Sangyeon gave his permission.

Time skip

"Remind me again, why I have to follow you?" Hyunjae whined behind me.

"Because, I'm out of the mansion and Sangyeon doesn't want me to be in danger or possible exposure to other gangs," I explained.

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