pt. 21

506 18 2

heejin pov

2! 1! Ready or not here I come!

I covered my mouth, careful to not knock over random items to reveal my hiding spot.

Found you!

I turned my head to see my best friend beside me.

Heejin! You suck at hide and seek!

I quickly got up from my hiding spot and ran across the room with Suyeon behind me. I ran laps around the room as Suyeon trailed, the distance between us getting bigger and bigger.

And your stamina sucks Suyeon-ah.

No fair! It's called Hide and Seek. Not Hide, Seek and Tag!

She was breathless as she bent over, hands on her knees. I walked over to her but suddenly, a hole opened up beneath and she was sucked in. Before I could get to her, she was already gone.

Next, I felt as though I was thrown against a wall because I woke up in a dark, cold room. There, Suyeon sat, chains and shackles on her hands and legs. Is this the chamber? I've never really been inside mainly because the boys won't let me.


Her head cocked up, looking around for the source of the voice, but it seems as though she didn't see me. Suddenly, the door opened to show a masked man and a metal cart being brough in behind him. He took a knife and bent down in front of Suyeon. He took off his mask and that was when I woke up, shouting his name.

"Changmin!" I sat up in Sunwoo's bed.

"Changmin? That's a new one," he joked. I turned my head to see him coming out of the bathroom. He sat beside where I had laid. "Come here," he welcomed, pulling me to his chest.

I rose my arms and wrapped them around his neck as I cried silently into his shirt, staining it with my tears.

"The usual nightmare?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "T-Then Changmin tried to stop it but instead was the one who got hurt," I lied, trying to cover up the actual reason.

"Aww. It's alright. Changmin's still here. He's safe and he's fine," Sunwoo comforted.

A hand moved up to stroke my head softly, helping me calm down from my crying. When I did, he pulled away. He took the ball of his palm to wipe away the leftover tears on my cheeks just for more to brim at my eyeline.

"Let's get ready for the morning, shall we?" he offered.

I nodded my head and he took me back to my room.

"See you later!" he wished, before leaving me.

'Now, I need to find a way to get to Suyeon.'

Time skip

I finished showering and headed down to eat breakfast.

"How is the girl?" I heard Hyunjae ask Changmin beside the staircase.

"Did everything. She won't talk," Changmin responded.

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