pt. 8

635 21 20

the next day

I crawled into my bed and was about to doze off when I heard my front door unlock itself. I turned over to my side desk and picked up my phone.

Bestie Ryu

decided to come for a late night snack again?

what do you mean?
i'm at the dorms studying

Hold on a fucking minute

I swiped up the app and exited it to open my home security app. My eyes widened at the visual of two boys breaking into my house. I rolled off my bed and crawled under my bed. It was pitch black and all I could hear at the moment was my heartbeat pounding and the footsteps of the men.

Their footsteps echoed in my ears loudly, making me cover them tightly. I could see their shadow linger from the spacing between my bedroom door and the wooden floor.

Please don't come here! Please stop!

I screamed in my head.

I shut my eyes tightly with my hands
attempting to crush my skull on either sides of my head, trying to drown out their echoing footsteps. To add, the vigorous beating of my heart lingered in the back of my head, giving me a one hell of a headache.

Then, when the door cracked open, it stopped. The noises of my anxious body, silenced, as my eyes followed a man's lean shadow beneath him. I shifted towards the furthest side of the bed from where the light leaked into my room. My hands moved down to cover my mouth from suddenly letting out an anxious whine or sound.

As soon as I thought that the boy had left the room, seeing as no one was there, I was pulled from under the other side of my bed. I came face to face with cat-like eyes that pierced through me.

"So you're the girl that has been playing the game with us," the boy said, his voice deep and intimidating.

"And you- are incredibly handsome," I replied, pointing a finger gun at him.

"You're coming with me," he said, dragging me by my wrist to the other side of my room. He did not even flinch at that comment.

I pulled against his strong grip, not caring if I manage to break my wrist in the process.

"Stop resisting. It'll be faster if you would just follow the instruction," he complained, a hint of frustration in his voice.

In the moment where he isn't looking, I grabbed the penknife from my side desk and quickly sliced his arm that held my wrist.

"Fucking Bitch!" the boy screamed out as he held his arm close to his body. "Hyun-! God!"

In the heat of the moment, I grabbed my hoodie that sat on my study desk and my bag and left through the window. The minute I stepped out, his teammate had stepped into the room and started analysing the situation. He had ash blonde hair and a sharper nose than the cat boy that laid on the floor of my bedroom. His blood ran down his arm and dripped onto my bed.

"The window!" the cat boy shouted.

I whipped out my phone in a cool manner and opened my home security app.

"Hey Security, lock bedroom window," I commanded, speaking into my phone.

The apartment complied, my bedroom window shutting and locking itself. Hyunjae tried pulling the window open but it was no use.

"Hey Security, lock bedroom door," I commanded again.

I watched as my bedroom door closed itself, locking the two mafia members in the room.

"How does it feel to be the one hurt hm? Juyeon-nie," I provoked the boy who was staring at me intently from my bed. I let out a sigh. I slipped on the pair of converse that were left outside my window.

"You're really getting on my nerves kid!" Hyunjae shouted.

"Kid? I'm fucking 21 my dude. See you around Hyunjae, Juyeon-ah," I teased before jumping down from the emergency fire ladder and onto the large, closed garbage bin underneath me. I hopped off the disgusting thing and landed on the concrete of the alleyway that led to the street.

The winter air was cold and I was cursing in my head for wearing shorts that night. The air pricked at my legs, stunning them from time to time, as I ran towards the street.

As soon as I thought I was about to meet my freedom, I felt a strong tug on my hair. Wincing, I was pulled back and slammed onto the alley wall to come face to face with another member. His eyes were brown and big; his lips were plump.

Sunwoo - that was his name.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, lowering his head such that he could stare into my soul at eye level.

"About to kiss freedom ass," I said teasingly.

"Not on my watch," he continued.

I rolled my eyes at his comment, earning a harsh yank on my hair and a hand on my throat.

"Choking kink?" I joked.

Immediately, I regretted my decision as he tightened his grip. In that same moment, I tried digging through my memory bank, anything that I could use against Sunwoo. My train of thought was broken when loud barking could be heard behind us.

That's it! Dogs!

"Thank you landlord," I mumbled quietly, enough for it to slip past Sunwoo.

While Sunwoo was distracted with the dogs barking, I raised my leg and kicked him in the stomach as hard as I could. I broke free from his grip. The boy felt an absence in his arm and finally came back to reality. Fortunately for me, before he could turn to grab me, I kicked him in the back. He fell onto his knees a few metres away from me, kneeling in front of the two pitbulls that were chained to a steel pipe. There was a great look of terror in his face.

"Have fun asshole," I commented before sprinting towards the street.

I was about to run across the street when a black van sped down the street, headlights bright enough to blind a person. Before I could think, the van stopped in front of me and out came a tall blonde and blue haired feminine boy with a smaller green haired behind him.

For god's sake.

For god's sake

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