pt .4

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Sangyeon pov

"Let's get her," Changmin stated.

Anyone could look at Changmin in this exact moment, and know for a fact that he was going to go feral.

"No. Let's wait," I dismissed Changmin's idea, making everyone turn heads and look at me in surprise.

I reached my hand out to Jacob, prompting him to pass me the card.

"Do you want to play with me?" I read the card out loud for the group to hear. "If she wants to play games, then let's play with her."

The next day
Heejin pov


It was lunch period as Ryujin and I walked down to the cafeteria.

"Did you hear that the ruby heart was finally stolen," Ryujin raised a topic to talk about.

"Right!" I lied, clearly knowing that I witnessed the whole heist.

"As soon as I thought the town's police were getting ever so slightly better at catching them. They managed to steal another prized possession," Ryujin whined loudly as we headed to a table near the back. "But!" the girl raised her head fast. "There is now proper footage of them and their hair. So now, it's easier to identify them!" she exclaimed.

"They can dye their hair again you know," I pointed out.

"Ahhh Heejin! You're no fun!" she exclaimed, smacking the back of my head.

I almost face planted into the table because of her strength. I recovered from the hit and snapped my laptop open. I opened my encrypted file on my desktop.

"Ryu, you wanna see something?" I asked, the intonations in my voice raising and lowering in a teasing manner.

"Hm?" the pink haired girl hummed.

She looked at my laptop screen to see a full length document on the profiles of the mafia members. Their birthdays, height, high school grades, their fears; basically everything. I looked at my bestfriend to see her jaw dropped.

"You should close your mouth before your jaw dislocated itself," I pointed out.

"HOW THE FUCK-" Ryujin started shouting but realised that people were staring at us. "How the fuck did you get this?" she asked, voice a million times softer now.

"As a computer engineering student, I have my ways," I bragged.

"You can earn so much money from this. You should send it to the police. Maybe they can finally catch The Boyz and we can have our night life back!"

"Yeah but, where's the fun in that," I pointed out. "I have this much information about them, imagine what I can do to them!" I exclaimed.

"Heejin, you're playing with fire here," my bestfriend raised concerningly. "What happens if you get caught," she continued.

"I won't. Don't worry," I comfort her.

As soon as I said that, my eyes caught onto two boys who barged into the cafeteria. The first one caught my eye as his black hair was slicked back, his eyes sharp as though it resembled a cat's.

My eyes shot down to my laptop screen and scrolled down the file to see the document labelled 'Juyeon'. I opened it and matched the profile of the boy to the one standing in the cafeteria doorway.

"Ah shit," I whispered underneath my breath, bringing Ryujin's attention back to my laptop.

She noticed the file opened on my laptop screen and compared the profile picture to the boy I was looking straight ahead at. As much as she wanted to admit that he had god-like visuals, she also felt a sense of fear for her bestfriend.

"Don't tell me-" Ryujin began.

"Mhm. It's them," I cut her sentence off.

It felt as though we were the only two shaking in our seats as none of the other students even noticed their presence. I closed the file and slammed my laptop shut. "I'll be borrowing your nail file for a while," I ended our chat before getting up from my seat and taking the back exit of the cafeteria.

After escaping from the room, I ran straight back home. I had to make sure multiple times that I wasn't being followed, my phone hacking into the town's security cameras to do so. The cameras left my trail to my apartment which I only hope that they weren't smart enough to notice them; but who am I kidding.

I entered my apartment, hurriedly locking the door behind me. Light shone through my tinted windows - that's a good thing. It was still broad daylight, making the chances of them attacking me very low. I went to my room and opened my laptop.

"How the hell did they manage to track me," I thought out loud.

Just then, a glare of light came from outside my window, aiming right my eyes. My hand shot up to shield my pupils from burning in the light. That was when I noticed it. Outside my window, stood a sneaky security camera, that was being pecked on by the oversized pigeons that roamed the town's streets.

"Shit," I cursed, my voice now louder.

I dug my hand into my face in frustration and annoyance. The only thing that had stoped me from digging my eyeballs out was my phone ringing. I picked it up to hear Ryujin on the other line.

"Heejin! Are you okay!" she exclaimed don the phone.

"I'm fine. I managed to get home safely," I shared.

"Thank god. I'll send you the notes from the lecture later," she continued, trying to push the whole mafia situation aside.

"Are they still there?" I asked, raising the topic again.

"They left a few minutes after you," Ryujin wished.

"Okay great," I sighed in thankfulness. "Stay safe Ryu," I wished.

"Me? I should be telling that to you. Heejin-ah, you're about to get burned from playing with fire. Let's try not to get third-degree burns, shall we?" Ryujin advised metaphorically before hanging up.

With that, I was left to fend for myself. I spent the rest of the day trying to take my mind off the frustratingly difficult mafia situation I was thrown in as I tried to complete my other projects that were due later on. It was close to 1am when I had finished.

Ah 1am.

Ah 1am

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