pt .14

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"But- that'll be great! When do you want to start?"

I heard Sunwoo's voice peak over the moodiness of the living room, mainly from Eric and his baseball game.

"Mmm. Maybe some time I recover from the wounds," the girl suggested.

"Righttt~ I heard Changmin did some damage on you," Sunwoo commented, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Mhm some," Heejin retorted sarcastically.

Next thing I knew, Sunwoo had let out a laugh at the joke.

It was nice to hear Heejin's voice, even if it was through easedropping on her conversations with the other members.

"She looks a lot better this morning," Jacob said quietly as he took a seat beside me.

"Mhm. She can be so cheery and likeable when she's not being traumatised by her past," I pointed out.

"Speaking about that..." Jacob's voice lingered as he turned to the girl who was interacting happily with Sunwoo.

"I found out that she has nightmares, frequent ones apparently."

"So that was the screaming from last night," Hyunjae joined in. "I thought Changmin found another doll to play with," he joked.

Jacob and I let out a sigh at our younger's words.

"Do you know what the nightmare was about?" I asked, directing it at Jacob

"Didn't want to ask," the canadian answered.

"Aight, let's have a meeting," I began.

As per usual, Jacob shouted loud enough that I bet the other side of Gangnam could probably hear us.


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I have never heard Jacob shout so loudly before. I thought he was more of the
type of person.

Apparently not.

Sunwoo spun around on the bar chair and walked towards where Sangyeon and Jacob were seated. Unknowingly, my chair had turned too.

I felt my heart pause as soon as I had made eye contact with Sangyeon. Upon noticing that he was staring back at me, his eyes started to soften ever so slightly.

That was when I realised something, that they all loved to lure people into their traps; reeling them in so easily. Before I knew it, Younghoon was helping me of the chair and dragging me towards the group of men who have gathered there.

Younghoon stood near the back; I followed him there. The other members who were already there had already taken a seat on the white sofas.

"Today's order of business. Stray Kids has asked for us to help them with a little smuggling of weapons from here to Seong-nae dong. They said that they would pay us about 50 grand for every carton we manage to smuggle across," Sangyeon explained before receiving an uproar of cheers and excited claps from the group.

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