pt. 29

479 16 13

heejin pov

The next morning, I headed down to Haknyeon's little bat cave to 'see' him. I walked through the dark corridor and was met with familiar neon lights that lined the back of the corridor. That was when, I came across Hak's room.

Learning from last time, I gave the door a knock before opening it. Haknyeon responded well to it as he swivelled around in his chair to see who had came to visit.

"Heejin! What're you doing here?" Haknyeon asked, eyes widening brightly.

"I was just wondering whether you needed help with anything. Now that I have this, cut, I can't really train with Chanhee and Juyeon," I shared.

"Wow, that must suck," Haknyeon replied, clearly sarcastic.

Then again, who am I to complain to a dude who just sits and types codes on his computer.

"So do you have anything?" I asked again, bringing back to the question.

"Not at the moment. It's been pretty quiet lately," he replied.


"I guess, you can help me with something," my ears perked up. "Sangyeon wants to know about the other mafia and their possible base."

"I thought we weren't going to mess with them. You know after the whole Hyunjae situation," I tried to throw him off but he's persistent.

"Yeah but we want to expand our empire," Haknyeon shared.

Ah yes. The usual 'expand our empire' how fun.

"Understandable," I replied simply.

"Great! Where's your laptop," he asked.

"It's in my room. Can you help me to go get it?" I asked.

He gave me a sulking look.

"I helped you last time remember," I reminded him.

"Fine," he said, getting out of his seat. "I'll back in a few."

With that, he closed the door behind him before he left.

"Aight, let's hack this shit up."

I opened the file with the schedules and quickly downloaded it onto my phone. I can transfer it to my laptop later on. From down the hallway, I could hear small footsteps coming back to the room.


I quickly closed the tab and sat back to where I was originally. Hak entered the room and shot me a suspicious stare before passing me my laptop.

"Who's Svyxn, Heejin-ah?" he asked.

I opened my laptop to see a text from that exact same name.

"Y'know, when you write it out, it sounds just like that girl's name from the other night. Suyeon, was it?" he asked.


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