pt .20

520 20 0

heejin pov

The following days, it was the same routine. Wake up, train with Juyeon. He says I was getting better and better, probably because I had already learnt whatever it was he was teaching me when I was in diapers. In the afternoon, I would train with Chanhee or Changmin. The nightly sleepovers weren't so bad either, except for the occasional nightmares. They would come and go every other night. It was a 'blessing' for them if that night, I didn't wake up.

Tonight, it was Sunwoo's turn - or it was supposed to be. From what it seemed, he had left while I was sleep. Probably off to another side job or what not.

"Ahh!" I cried waking up, sitting up stiffly.

My arms raised to wrap themselves around my torso, silently hugging myself. I remember one of my therapists used to tell me to do this whenever I had nightmares. It was to pat one shoulder then the other in a slow but rhythmic manner. He said that it would slow down my heart rate and allow me to focus better on reality and what was in my dreams.

'GET UP!' I heard my faint childhood memory shout at me.

Instantaneously, I pulled my legs to my chest and hugged them close to me. My chin was attracted to my chest, forehead resting on kneecaps. Tears streamed down my cheeks, absolutely drenching them in salty streams.

'please stop.'

Slowly, I pushed myself off the bed and headed out my room.

"What are you doing out?" I heard one of the henchmen on duty ask.

"Getting a drink," I stated.

"Would you like me to follow you down?" he asked.

"It's fine," I replied, before taking a step towards the staircase.

I could also hear the henchmen's footsteps retreat down the hall as he continued his rounds. I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. It was pretty dark then. The only thing that lit up the living room and the staircase was the wall lights that Changmin had left on in case any of the members needed to go get a midnight snack. According to Sunwoo, Eric usually does.

I grabbed a glass from the dishwasher and open the fridge to retrieve a jug of water. Water usually helps to calm me down and clear my head after crying so much. It also ensures that I don't dehydrate and I stay alive. I poured myself a glass and kept the jug. Mid-drinking, I heard the door open.

Instinctively, I ducked behind the marble counter, sinking to the floor. The lights were on, bright too. I wasn't really sure whether I was allowed to be out in the middle of the night. With my glass in hand, I scooched myself over to the side of the island block.

"Get in!" I heard Hyunjae shout.

"Ah!" a girl's voice followed.

A girl?

"Will you please stop grabbing my hair?!" she shouted again.

"Shut up!" Juyeon shouted.

I peeked the corner to see the members back from their scout mission. Jacob was just entering the house, Sunwoo and Changmin beside him. Juyeon and Hyunjae were in front, dragging a girl along the cold marble floor.

"Let go!" the girl shouted again.

She pushed against Hyunjae's grip, somehow, managing to free herself. She tried to run but was quickly pinned down by Juyeon a little further away from where she was before. That was when, I noticed.


We used to be best friends when we were younger. Our fathers were really good business partners in the mafia and it led to us being good friends. It all started when she showed me her butterfly knife she got for her tenth birthday. We would train together and go to school together too. After high school, while I decided to go to college, she decided to take care of her mafia. With me under this mission, my father probably called her to take care of mine too.

And now.

She was here. Captured and probably hurt.

"Fuck off!" she shouted again.

I was too captivated in my thoughts to notice that Sunwoo was behind me, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"What are you doing out of bed, princess?" he asked suddenly.

I jumped, turning back to look at him. He was squatting down so as to not intimidate me.

"I had a nightmare. Wanted to get a drink," I said.

Then, I heard a loud bang, that echoed through the house. I let out a fake but realistic squeak at the sound. I turned the corner to see that Juyeon had shot the ground just beside the girl.

"Follow as we say, or the next one goes in your head," Sangyeon warned.

Sunwoo placed his hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from the side of the island.

"Let's go up and sleep, shall we?" he asked.

I nodded my head, not sure what else to do. He took the glass and placed it on the counter before picking me up from the floor.

"You're really light," he commented.

He stood up from behind the counter with me in his arms. I kept my head inwards to Sunwoo's chest hoping to just disappear then and there.

"Oh? Heejin? What're you doing up?" Jacob asked softly.

"She had a nightmare went to go get a drink," Sunwoo answered for me.

When I took one look out, it wasn't only the members who were staring at me. No. I met eyes with Suyeon and she clearly realised what was going on.

While Sunwoo carried me up the stairs, Juyeon and Hyunjae dragged Suyeon into the chamber where they usually put their other unwanted prisoners. She's not going to survive a night. I don't think at least.

"Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?" he asked.

I nodded my head, scared to refuse. He brought me into his room that was slightly more modern that mine. While mine was pure white, his was a mix of grey, black and dark blue, for a pinch of colour. He placed me down on the bed before going to get some clothes to change into.

After a few minutes, he came out of the shower. He wore an oversized shirt with baggy pants. He got into the bed beside me and tucked me to sleep.

 He got into the bed beside me and tucked me to sleep

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