The Irony

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Elizabeth POV

I woke up in a familiar place,
The sunlight beamed through the curtains, I felt it's warmth spread over me,

I felt gentle but firm arms wrapped around my waist, I blushed remembering everything that .......went down last night.....
Then I felt meliodas shift in his sleep and his grip on my waist got tighter,

then I realized that I was in the tavern and I snuck out of Meliodas's grip to go to the bathroom,


I wake up next Elaine and the first thing I do is remember that the captain was acting funny, he wasn't drinking anything and it seemed like he was trying to get everyone drunk except him, hell he even got Elaine to drink, I got up and started cooking still pondering about it when hawk woke up and as per usual I told him to go wake up the captain so he went upstairs,

Hawk POV

As I went up to wake him I found a slight scent and almost brushed it off as nothing before realizing that it smelled familiar....... Kinda feminine,

when I walked in he was sleeping in a funny angle it looked like he was holding something but there was nothing there, as usual I jumped up on the bed and climbed up on him and started jumping up and down yelling at him to wake up but unlike most of the the time he didn't throw me off, instead his eyes shot open his demon marks showing so I decided to go back downstairs and tell Ban that he scared me,

"H-hey b-b-ban" I stuttered still shivering,

"yes?" ban said and then saw how I was trembling
"Woah you good? What the captain threaten you again?" ban laughed at me thinking I was being dramatic, but then noticed that I didn't respond I just went inside of one of the cupboards, ban was confused but decided to go see for himself what was going on,

Narrator POV

Oh shit oh shit where is she? did they see her? he started to panic but then noticed that the bathroom door was shut and breathed a sigh of relief, so he went over and knocked and there was a soft voice on the other side,

"come in" Elizabeth said, he went in and saw her dressed in a soft pink dress and brushing her hair, he smiled seeing her smiling,

"so I see your happy" he said smirking at her big smile and closing the door behind him then locking it,

"S-sir meliodas?" she asked curious as to why he just shut and locked the door behind him,

But before she could say anything else he had already pinned her to the counter and was kissing her roughly, she gasped but quickly gave in, he then lifted her up on to the counter and continued kissing her as he began to slide his hands up her legs, but before anything else could happen there was a knock on the door,

"hey captain you in there?" ban asked curiously,

Meliodas quickly covered Elizabeth's mouth because he heard her gasp when she heard bans voice

"Yep" meliodas said with his usual unfazed tone
Smirking at Elizabeth

"uh OK why did you scare the master so bad?" ban asked

"I didn't, he was probably just being dramatic, after all we all know how he can get if ya mention pork in front of him" he joked still smirking at Elizabeth,

"mkay I guess I'll see ya down there" ban said as he left, meliodas then took his hand off her mouth she just sat there blushing and stunned by the fact that he just tried to touch her again,

"well do you want to come down with me and say hi to everyone or do ya want me to sneak you back into the capital?" he asked her with a grin,

"uhhhhh I want to come down but if I do you guys could get in trouble, so I guess capital" she said with a frown

Meliodas just stared at her frown for a second contemplating on why she was frowning, but then he smirked at her and kissed her softly he picked her up bridal style and jumped out the window and started towards the capital, once in her room again he sat her down on her bed and kissed her again but this time he held on for a moment before leaving

Meliodas then said "see ya tonight?" (clearly asking if she wanted to go out again) she gasped for a second,

"Yes! I'd love to!" she said blushing, he then disappeared out the window,

Wait did captain just walk in the front door I thought he was upstairs king thought to himself,

"hey captain weren't you upstairs a moment ago?" ban asked confused,

"yeah so?" captain said with a blank expression,

Ban just shrugged
"A-any way captain I wanted to ask you something" he said nervously,

He looked over at him "yeah what's up King?" he said still looking bored,

" W-wel-well I was wondering if you could give me a-a w-well uhh" he stuttered blushing,

He got cut off by captain saying "uhh what?"

"well I was curious if you knew how I could tell me how to get well uhh ummm.......Dian to like me" I whispered the last part,

Ban broke out Laughing while captain looked at me with a slight smile "alright I'll try to give some advice but are you sure I'm the guy to ask for advice?"
"YEAH!" ban cut in laughing
At this point meliodas fell to the floor Laughing at the irony of it, because no one knew he'd snuck out with Elizabeth for a date and he was doing it again tonight, but of course he was not telling them that, at this point ban had stopped laughing because he was confused on why captain was laughing at a joke that was thrown at his expense,

The captain finally stopped laughing and got up still chuckling a bit "So king go get some roses and bring them to her and ask her out!" the captain said it like it was easy,

"uhh OK I'll try that later" king said still confused on why he laughed but shrugged it off as it just being the captain,



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