Im Not Sharing

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Meliodas POV

Its been a little over four weeks and I am furious! I'm not allowed to see her at all! This is such bullshit!

Ban has been trying to distract me with drinking games and hunting, but I've been too busy focusing everything in me to stay in control. so I've just stayed in my room sitting by the window waiting patiently for her to say to come and get her.

But no she doesn't want anyone getting hurt..... If only she realized how much its hurting for me to have to stay away from her.
how much I need her.

And my demonic instincts aren't helping. I'm craving her So badly I find myself daydreaming about her almost 24/7 and the thought of how easy it would be for someone to hurt her, to hurt my love, my mate, makes my blood boil.

Elizabeth POV

I miss him So much! I just want to be able to cuddle with him and give him goodnight kisses and good morning kisses and tell him and show him how big the baby bump has gotten...... Its scary being without him........

I was startled out of my thoughts by the sound of my door being knocked on,

"C-come in" I called out from my seat by the window,

The door opened to reveal Veronica standing there with a stern look on her face,

"Ellie....... Will you please come to the throne room? Father wishes to speak with you" she spoke calmly. but there was no way I was going to the throne room to speak with my father, not after what he's done,

"No.... I'm not going-" I said looking back out the window,

"Ellie it wasn't actually a question! You have to come to the throne room!" she shouted,

"Its not happening...... I will not go to speak to someone who won't listen to reasoning....... And if you force me to go I won't forgive you" I said softly without looking at her,

"why must you be so stupid? Why must you be so hooked on that sinner? He's done nothing but cause you problems and don't even try saying you love him because you don't even know what love is yet........ But you will soon enough" she said turning to walk out,

"whats that supposed to mean?" I asked curiously,

"Father has arranged a marriage for you and a king from a foreign kingdom" she said smirking at me and leaving,

I felt absolutely betrayed! Even after finding out that I'm pregnant he still wants to force me to marry someone, I can't just go marry some other guy I'm in love with Meliodas! I won't just give myself to someone else!
I thought as I walked to the door and locked it, I then started grabbing boxes and barricaded it,

But then I was too tired to do anything else so I went to bed even though its not night time I have been extremely tired recently,

Time skip morning

I woke to see that once again captains wide awake which meant that once again he didn't sleep last night,

"g'mornin cap'n" I said going to the kitchen to make breakfast,

"Hey ban?" captain called from behind the bar area,

"yea? What's up?" I said grabbing salt for the eggs,

"do you...... Umm....... Do you have any guesses on how Elizabeth is doing or how big Elizabeth's belly has gotten?" he asked as I walked out and gave him the food I made,

"No..... I don't...... But I bet you could ask Merlin seeing as we aren't allowed to check on the princess but Merlin could probably use magic to know the answer" I said sitting next to him he thanked me for the food and began eating,

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