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Meliodas pov

I woke with a start, in a dark room I did not recognize. Standing up slowly, feeling light headed despite this.

My mind was blurry, the mating bond feeling like it was pulsing.

The memories that rushed back to me made me fall to my knees, a near silent sob escaping me.

Is she.... Is she gone? Did I fail her in the worst of ways? I thought as tears began to stream down my cheeks.

Elizabeth...... You're still here right? You.... You didn't really-

M-meliodas? Her telepathy interrupted mine, making me spring to my feet and bolt out the door in search of her.

After noting that I was down the hallway from our room, I sprinted over and froze when I reached it.

May I come in? I asked through telepathy, feeling a shiver go down my spine.

Yes please, she responded softly, causing me to gently turn the knob.

The door creaked as it opened, only intensifying the feeling of adrenaline going through my veins.

The room was kind of dark, the only light being the light that streamed in through the window.

I scanned the room, looking for her, before my eyes landed on the bed.

There she was, laying on the bed with a smile. She gestured to come closer, causing me to stumble as I moved forward without thought.

I crawled on all fours toward the head of the bed where she laid, arms outstretched for me.

"Ellie..... " I whined, nearly collapsing on top of her.

"It's okay, I'm here" she whispered into my hair, stroking my back.

"Ellie......... " I let out another quiet whine, feeling my throat constrict with pain that I suddenly felt the need to hide.

She's here, she's here, she's here, she's here, she's here, my mind continued to chant to me, feeling like it was hard to breath.

"Meliodas? It's okay...... Please..... Talk to me" she whispered softly, sending a chill down my spine.

"Elizabeth..... I love you" I responded softly, ending in a whimper.

"I love you too" her response was instant, her arms wrapping around my head.

I fell into a dreamless slumber once more, feeling both tense and calm.


I woke with a start, the sound of something crying filling my senses as Elizabeth gently moved me to the side.

I watched her make her way across the room, watching with narrowed eyes as my senses came back in a wave.

I watched her lift our child from the crib I had made weeks ago, gently cradling it in her arms.

"Shh shh, it's okay" spoke sweetly, looking to me silently with a smile so warm it made my hearts stutter.

"W- is- is- is that-" I couldn't seem to get any actual words out, just sputtering nonsense.

"It's a boy.... Tristan..... Would you like to hold him?" She asked me softly, taking a step closer.

It felt like I was suffocating, not physically, but mentally. For some reason I couldn't bring myself any closer to them, not able to comprehend the idea of hurting our child.

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