I'm here for you.

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Warning explicit consent ahead



As we walked into the capital the first person to greet us was Gilthunder,

"well look who's back" he said as captain just laughed lightly,

"yep the tavern is back for a while, anything interesting happen while we were gone?" cap'n said casually,

"umm well the kings been pretty mad that you guys took Elizabeth with you..... I mean he's been asking if you guys were back every day and when we told him no he was definitely not pleased" Gilthunder said with worry,

"oh....... Well we're back now! So maybe he won't be so mad?" cap'n said cheerfully,

"yeah maybe but I think it'd be wise to have Elizabeth go and greet him now that she's here" Gilthunder said smiling,

captain looked at the princess and after a moment of silence she nodded,

Meliodas POV

I used telepathy to remind Elizabeth to not tell anyone about the pregnancy or the whole marriage thing yet,

"mkay well see ya lil Gil got to go talk to Dreyfus now! See ya Later Elizabeth!" I shouted back to them as I sprinted off towards where I knew Dreyfus was,

As I came in his study I saw him and hendy looking at a map.

"yo!" I said casually,

They both looked back at me.

"ah, there you are. we were wondering if you guys were actually coming or not" hendy said rubbing the back of his head,

"hello meliodas, long time no see. you were asked to come back to help us decide something since you've probably been in these areas more" Dreyfus said pointing at the map around Liones,

Time skip afternoon

It was finally time to go back to the tavern, but first, got to go collect my princess. I'll use telepathy to ask her if she's ready to go back,

"hey Ellie are you ready to go home?" I asked with telepathy,


I got kinda scared when I heard no response from her so I tried again,

"Elizabeth? Do you hear me?" I asked curiously with telepathy,


Why isn't she responding? I can sense she's up in the throne room so I guess I'll go get her. I thought to myself.

I suddenly heard her respond.

"I...sorr....melio........pl.........." she said with telepathy,

Wow she's either really distracted or really upset because I could barely catch anything she said I thought to myself as I went to begin heading to the capital but as I went to go up the stairs I saw her running down them.

her arms were wrapped around herself and she was crying. I was instantly pissed and snatched her off the ground so swiftly it looked like she disappeared. I set her down in the forest and wiped her tears away,

"Elizabeth what happened?" I said sternly she didn't respond she just hugged me crying so I naturally hugged back,

"hey shh shh I've got you okay I won't let anything bad happen to you I'm here for you please tell me what happened" I said pulling away from the hug and giving her a kiss,

Every Breath (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now