The Executioner.

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Zeldris pov

"shh, it's okay. your dad is gonna get your mom and then you guys are going to be together okay? please stop crying" I murmered to Tristan quietly, trying to avoid waking gelda still in bed asleep as moonlight streamed in the curtains.

but he didn't stop crying, nor did he calm as he wiggled in my arms with tears streaming down his tiny face. his eyes glistened as he stared at me, as if trying to get me to understand his cries.

"g-gelda, he-help I don't know what's wrong with him" I whined to her quietly, hating that I sucked at taking care of just one kid.

"here, hand him here" she mumbled quietly, sitting up slowly as she took him and began rocking him while walking to the table.

I watched as she began changing him, trying to learn as he stopped crying once the diaper was off. he cooed cutely at her when he was in a new diaper, smiling with his little dimples when she took a bottle and put some formula in it before shaking it and letting Tristan have it to drink.

"how are you so good at that?" I asked her in amazement, raising brow at how fast Tristan became tired and drifted off as she put him in his crib.

"because I watched how Elizabeth took care of him, I really can't wait to have some with you" she murmered out sincerely, filling my cheeks with heat at the look she gave me.

"I-I also want th-that....." I stuttered out with red cheeks, letting out a gasp when she started climbing in my lap.

"mhm, i want lots with you, 9 or 10..... i can already imagine their green eyes watching you teach them how to hunt" she murmered softly, leaning down and peppering my collarbone with kisses and making my blood boil in excitement as it flowed south.

"9 or 10? d-don't you think th-that's a bit much? i-i can ha-hardly handle just babysitting Trista-Tristan" i stammered out between quiet moans, wrapping my arms around my lover.

she didn't respond at first, just started rocking my lap and filling my senses with pleasure. i closed my eyes to relax the sudden buzz of nervousness, worried about being able to impregnate her with the species barrier.

"zel~ i know you're worried about being different, but please don't. i love you beyond all else, all seven of your hearts are mine and i will not give up on being the mother of your children~" she moaned quietly to me, lifting her dress up and over her head before leaning down to use her mouth to unlatch my pants.

"i l-love you too~ i want children with you too.... i just don't want to fail you~" i moaned back quietly, trying to avoid waking Tristan.

"you can't fail me~ love me forever and never leave me, do that and i will be happy forever~" she moaned softly, sliding my pants down and off me.

i would undress myself and her, but i knew she enjoyed being in control and deciding the pace. so instead i smiled at her with red cheeks and enjoyed the way her kisses to my stomach made heat flash down my back, shivering when she bit down on the waistband of my underwear and began dragging them down with her breath hitting my heated arousal.

"oh zel~ let me ride you won't you~?" she moaned in my ear as her hands circled my nipples, her nails scraping the skin there teasingly.

"uh huh~ y-yes, of-of course~ an-anything f-for you~" i moaned back, arching up against her.

she merely smiled at me, a hint of teasing in her eyes as she pinched my nipples causing me to bury my face in her breasts to hide the yelp that left me. the feeling of her gently rolling them in her thumb and pointer made me shudder, before biting her neck when tugged lightly.


i woke with a shudder, a strange smell causing me to sit up cautiously as i eyed the dark room around me. after a moment of contemplation i slid off the edge of the bed and slipped on some pants before walking over to Tristan's crib and glancing down at him as he rested, than taking another moment to focus my mana to check our surroundings.

after a moment it seemed fine so i relaxed and let my hand rest on Tristan's side, smiling down at him warmly as he seemed to coo quietly. it made me happy with how he rolled to hang on to my hand like it was a teddy bear, his dimples as he smiled in his slumbered.

"good morning zel" gelda's voice chimed from behind me, making me turn to see her sitting up while she held the blanket up to cover her modesty which made me blush.

"good morning Gelda" i responded quietly, letting my eyes wander over the hickeys on her neck with a smirk.

before letting my mind dip too far into her i turned back to Tristan and lifted him up to my chest, smiling widely when he wrapped around me with a quiet coo. i walked over to the table and set him down there and began gently changing him, making to be gentle with him just as gelda had. grabbing him a bottle, putting some formula in and shaking it before handing him it.

"very well done zel" gelda murmered quietly, suddenly wrapping around me in an embrace with nothing but my shirt to separate us.

"th-thank you..... i did wh-what i-i saw you do....." i responded shakily, letting her take Tristan from me as she began rocking him.

"you're going to make a perfect father, you're already a perfect uncle" she murmered soothingly, batting her eyes at me before smiling back at Tristan and walking with him in her arms to the closet.

"i don't know about perfect but i'll do my best" i chuckled quietly, scratching the back of my head as i watched her pick clothes out for her and Tristan.


the sound of Tristan cackling in merriment made me smile widely, the sight of gelda playing with him in the grass as i watched from a distance. it looked amazing the way gelda looked so happy, the way Tristan looked so much like meliodas and Elizabeth as he smiled.

gelda would occasionally glance at me as giggled, her cheeks pink as her smile made everything seem more beautiful. he hair was undone and messy with grass in it, Tristan grabbing at a bit of it.

"sir Zeldris!" i heard solaad call, panic in his voice as i turned to him.

"what? what's the matter?" i asked as i watched him land in front of me, his hair messy from the flight.

"there are strange beasts, they have blue fur with beaks, but their eyes are dark with red.... we think that they're demons" he rushed on, his brows furrowed.

"blue demons. are there any others?" i asked sternly, activating as my vision became more clear.

"yes, something big, some kind of giant golem with moss and red eyes" he answered hurriedly.

"an albion, i'll deal with all of them. you evacuate everyone from the area they're attacking. gelda! take Tristan and hide in that cave down by the river!" i called to her, watching her eyes widen before she nodded in understanding and flew off with him.

"you can't fight that many! i'll go with you" solaad responded as he took off with me.

"No, you need to stay with your people. it's me and my people are the ones who brought the fight here so it'll be my job to eradicate them" i responded darkly, watching as he looked like he wanted to argue for a moment before he nodded and changed direction to go help people.

i flew as and as fast as i could, drawing my sword and worrying as to how many could've been killed by now. when soaring over the hill my eyes widened, my brows furrowing at the sight of just how many there were. at least 200 blue demons flying around like flies looking for some thing to eat, the albion being right behind them.

but it didn't really matter how many of them there were, i had to kill all of them, to kill over 200 demons.....



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