A Ball?

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A couple weeks had past of these dates and they weren't stopping, every night meliodas would sneak out with Elizabeth and go on night strolls, dates or sometimes just laying on the grass talking. meliodas had not intimately touched her since that night, he thought he had gone to fast with her and decided to slow down as to not scare his love away, the only intimacy he has been having with her was kissing.

Time skip noon
Elizabeth POV

I was going to my fathers study with my sisters because he had called for us,

"Hello Father" me and my sisters simultaneously said,

He smiled at us "Hello my beautiful daughters, how are you?" He asked happily,

"good" we all said with a smile,

"So why did you call us" Veronica asked,

He sat down "there is a ball this month and All of the holy knights will be going along with some other guests that I will invite and I wanted to make sure you all knew so I can give you each a job to help me set it up. for instance, Veronica I want you to decide the colors and Margaret I want you to write the letters and Elizabeth I want you to make sure the seven deadly sins come seeing as you are more acquainted with them so your perfect for the job. that is all, you may go now" he finished with a smile

We all left to do as we were told. I was So excited to finally get to talk to all of the sins

Meanwhile at the tavern
Dian POV

I was talking to hawk when suddenly hawk was charging outside screaming excitedly. I look and see him tackle Elizabeth "Aaaahhhh!!!!! Captain captain captain captain!!!! Look Elizabeth is here!!!!" I shouted he turned around and smiled at her while I charged and hugged her "Oh I missed you soooo much!!!!!" I yelled,
ban snatched her and gave quick hug and said "missed ya kid" to her then dropped her on the captain. he caught her, smiled she smiled back as he set her down,

"so? What ya here for?" ban asked shrugging

"Oh yes that's right I'm here to invite you all to a ball that is taking place this month" she said smiling,

"ooohhhh a ball? Like for dancing?" I asked curious

"mmmhhhmmm and there is always a feast with drinks imagine it as a big party" she said

"Well I can see lots of reasons for going" ban said smirking

"Really? you don't usually like those kinds of things" captain said

"Well yeah I get to dance with Elain, drink, and not get food poisoning from your shitty cookng" ban laughed
While captain glared while we broke into laughter captain calmed down as he looked over to Elizabeth

"we'll see ya there"
captain told her with a smile.

she said as she left the tavern

Time skip an hour before going
Meliodas POV

We were all going in our knight armor. king finally broke down and asked Diana out,
and merlin and gowther were not going and because merlin was not escanor was not going.
So it was just Me Ban King Dian Elain and hawk.

Ban was trying to make me ask someone out because he didn't know that already had someone in mind. the night after Elizabeth told us about the ball I asked her to go with me and apparently her and dian got dresses for the dance,
But Elizabeth wouldn't show me her dress she said it was surprise.

"let's go!" I yelled to all of them and then we all left for the capital.

By the time we got there it was 15 minutes before going in.

I couldn't help but be excited to see Elizabeth, because I didn't have to be sneaky to see her aaannnddd I wanted to see her dress. but naturally I didn't show how excited I was I just kept it to myself and I guess that made everyone think I was being a stiff.
After all they didn't know I had a date they thought I was going alone. I couldn't help but snicker a little bit at that. they looked at me like I grew and extra head or something I found it pretty funny.

and then we went in,
there was a lot of people here I thought. as we walked in we ran into Little Gil and talked for a bit before the royalty was anounced to have been comeing in.

"Please welcome King Bartra of Liones and his three daughters the three princesses of Liones princess Margaret, princess Veronica and princess Elizabeth" the man at the door shouted.

My heart fluttered to see Elizabeth dressed like that.
She was wearing a red dress that had a black bow on the back the dress itself didn't cover her shoulders and sat just beneath her collar bone and had long flowwy sleeves. it was soft silk and was not a cupcake dress it hugged her curves elegantly and her hair had a red ribbon in it. she was gorgeous I thought to myself.

She came right for me to say hi to everyone buuutttt ban, king, dian, Elain and hawk had already wandered off. naturally I didn't mind this, I wanted it to just be me and her.

We all had our meals and I took two glasses of Vanya Ale and led her to the balcony and gave her one of them she smiled and thanked me we stood out there for a while before heading back in.

I had to go help some dumbass who made a mess so me and Elizabeth were separated for a moment but when went to go back to her....
I became instantly Furious. some guy dropped to a knee and was asking for her hand in marriage.

I was absolutely Pissed off at this point.
But almost laughed at him when she yanked her hand away and said No she then disappeared in the crowd. some people were absolutely Laughing at the man but I want to go find my princess.

I didn't see her anywhere in the castle which meant she was at the tavern so I left to go make she was okay.

When I got there she was still in her dress which made me a little flustered. I went over to her.

"hey Ellie are you okay?" I asked softly.

When She turned to me she had tears in her eyes which instantly made me want to go kill that asshole for making her cry but I opted to stay and comfort her

"Y-yeah" she stuttered.

so I kissed Her cheek but to my surprise she kissed my lips. I almost gasped because I had figured she wouldn't want an actual kiss at the moment. but alas I gave in and started kissing her I slowly picked her up and carried her up to our room. I gently put her on the bed and kissed her again I then took off my armor and laid down next her and she curled up to me, so I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep with my Love.


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