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meliodas pov

I sat in the middle of the night hunched over a table, writing some idea for the wedding and her dress, where we'd get the stuff and such. my mind wouldn't settle, the ideas running rampant. I couldn't sleep, even after I had taken a bath to try to relax all I wanted to do was make sure the wedding plans were perfect for my love.

a part of the reason I was so desperate to make sure that this was perfect and to make sure I didn't miss anything was because this was completely unnatural for me, for a demon, because demons didn't do the whole wedding thing, we just mated and called it good.

so naturally I was worried about getting this right, I wanted her to be happy more then anything. I was tired, my fingers were sore from writing, my eyes felt dry from reading and I really really just wanted to lay down with Elizabeth so I could wake up early to make sure she got the dress she deserved.

I looked over in silence at my love as she slept peacefully, a soft smile on her lips as her calm breaths came in easy and soft sweeps that I could easily hear. a sigh left me as I realized all that was left was the dress and the invitations, which had to wait till morning because I wanted Elizabeth to help with those to make sure they were exactly how she wanted.

the thought of the invitations made me think on who I would probably invite, definitely all the sins, I would also want to invite Zeldris and Gelda and solaad and elatte.. but who else? now, who would Elizabeth most likely want to invite..... what if she wants to invite her family? of course she will, she deserves to be able to spend time with her family..... if only bartra had just accepted that me and Elizabeth will marry each other no matter what, that we love each other..... why couldn't he have accepted that? why did he have to try to wedge us apart? I thought sadly, wondering if I could've done something- anything to try to keep the peace, to show bartra that i can take care of her, that he could trust me with her and then maybe Elizabeth could be able to see her family.

i rubbed the bridge of my nose as i remembered the events, Elizabeth being taken from me, having that yelling match with him and leaving..... I shook my head as I realized these thoughts weren't helping.

a frown deep enough to cause a crease In my brow formed on my face as I thought of this, my mind wondered over to what would have happened if I had tried harder to convince bartra to let me be with her. maybe Elizabeth would be able to talk to him, invite him and her sisters to our wedding. a huff left me in frustration, angry that Elizabeth can't and hasn't even seen her family for almost a year because of this bullshit.

my head snapped over to look at Elizabeth in surprise, realizing that it's almost the anniversary of when our relationship started. I stood up and walked over to the calendar to see that long and behold, February 3rd which means it's in just 5 and a half weeks.

I smiled fondly at it, realizing that in just under a year I confessed my love, got engaged, gave away my mating bond and had a kid. my throat closed up slightly as I teared up, walking unsteadily back to Elizabeth and laying down to snuggle her, pulling her as close as I could.

"I love you Ellie" I murmered to her, peppering kisses to her neck and jaw as I wrapped my arms around her, interlacing our fingers.

she shifted a bit before letting out a yawn, sliding her hands from mine and turning to face me.

"I love you too mel" she whispered softly, her eyes only halfway open as she smiled.

I leaned closer before gently pecking her lips, sighing before pulling back with a grin.

"guess what" I asked her quietly, rubbing my hands along her sides lovingly.

"hmm?" she hummed, half asleep as peaked an eye open at me.

"it's almost our 1 year anniversary" I responded happily, smiling wider when she suddenly was wide awake and smiled.

"really? how long?" she asked suddenly sitting up, her excitement showing in her blue irises.

"just 5 and half weeks my love" I answered her easily, letting out a quiet laugh when she suddenly leaned down started kissing me as she giggled.

everything is better when i'm with her, and knowing that i'll be with her forever only makes it that much better. my hearts pounded at the excitement, feeling happy and content with her.

"i'm so excited, it feels like everything is falling into place and it feels like everything is moving way too fast" she giggled against my cheek.

"yeah~ no kidding" I agreed with a sigh, letting my eyes fall shut when she snuggled down on top of my chest.

a couple minutes of soothing silence as we laid together, basking in each other's presence. my hands instinctually began rubbing her back, kneading her back deeply as she gave a soft sigh.

"hey.... one more thing before we go to sleep?" I asked quietly, tilting my head to look down at her.

"yeah?" she hummed in reply, her hands trailing down my sides.

"yes, so ya know how our wedding plans are just about done right? just the dress and invitations..... so I was thinking of running a little errand, ya know to set up the plans over at vanya village and maybe go to different places here and there to invite just a couple people... " I murmered half asleep, just barely able to keep my eyes open with her warmth soaking into me.

"hmm, okay.... how long do you think you'll be?" she asked softly, yawning at the end.

"a couple days at most, i'll make sure to grab some fabrics for you to see if you'd like them for your wedding dress" I answered her with a smile, already pondering what kind of fabric she might end up wanting.

"mhm, thank you.... for everything, really. you're the best, I love everything about you" her soft reply came, feeling her stretch slightly before hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

"even my pervy side?" I asked teasingly, grinning at her as her cheeks dusted a slight pink.

"yeah.... even your pervy side" she sighed into my ear, instantly igniting my blood as my cheeks heated up.

"Ellie~ I love everything about you too~" I hummed into her ear, no longer interest in sleep.

but, as if she had read my mind, she suddenly shook her head slightly, half-asleep mumbling how she needed to be able to get up early to help gelda with something.

"awe~ but-but- just a little? you're so addictive~" I pouted into her ear, arching my hips up against her to show her how ready I was.

"mel~ please? we'll have plenty of together time later okay? it's just that this seemed really important to her" she spoke sincerely, her hand running over my chest as she smiled sweetly.

"fine~ but just because I can't help but do what you want~" I gave in with a groan, smiling as she nuzzled me sincerely.

it was peaceful as snuggled, the chill causing us to snuggle closer to each other. my eyes wandered over to the crib where our child resided and I instantly worried if Tristan might be cold, glancing back down to Elizabeth before back up to the crib.

I adjusted just slightly, just enough to reach my arm out enough to send some of my power to keep him warm before retracting my arm back to rest on Elizabeth's back. my smile couldn't be helped, feeling happy about being with her and our child.



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