you did say~

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Meliodas POV

Me and Elizabeth were relaxing in a nice tub of hot water with bubbles, Diane having volunteered to babysit for us.

Elizabeth was laying with her back against my chest, my legs sitting on either side of her as we held hands.

She was humming a little tune, seeming content with fiddling with my hands.

"Mel? Where do we go from here?" She asked softly, tilting her head back to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a smile, trailing my finger tips across her stomach.

"I.... I don't know really, I just- well I don't know what to do now..... I have everything I could ever dream of..... I'm mates with someone who my sun rises and sets on and have a perfect baby with them..... I mean, is there really anything else to want?" She spoke sincerely, pulling my hands up to her mouth and giving gentle kisses to each.

"Yeah, and it's the same for me, I'm mates with the girl that is the light in my dark life and have a cute little guy, making me feel like there's something worth fighting for..... You both are my entire world..... But, this isn't all there is, I'm going to give you the most beautiful wedding, I'm going to give you a place to live and call your own and most of all, I'm going to be with you for the rest of eternity" I spoke with determination, holding her in a firm grasp.

She pulled from me to turn over and face me, her eyes full of warmth.

"I love you, more then all the stars in the sky" she sighed, leaning over before I could respond to kiss me.

I sighed as she nibbled on my bottom lip, her hands massaging my chest deeply.

She licked my lips softly, causing me to part them for her as I enjoyed every moment of her touches. Her hands continued to explore my chest, slowly trailing to the sides as her palms ran over my nipples slightly, causing me to groan deeply.

I picked her up around her thighs, smiling at her cute giggles as she wrapped her legs around me.

I nearly tripped when she abruptly bit my neck, having to focus on breathing to distract myself from the numbing pleasure it sent down my spine.

"Mel~ something wrong?" She sighed into my ear, her nails scratching down my chest as I stumbled to bed.

Laying her down on the bed brought a new wave of heat through me, at the sight of her darkened eyes staring up at me, her hair a wet mess around her head looking like a halo, her body flushed slightly as water drops slid down her breasts and in between her thighs.

"How did I get so lucky?" I thought aloud incredulously, gasping when she pulled me down on top of her before rolling on top.

"I do believe I'm the one who gets to say they're lucky~" she purred to me, sitting on my stomach.

I leaned up to kiss her but was shoved back down by her, feeling heat rise to my cheeks when she pinned my wrists above my head.

She began gently nibbling my neck, just enough to get my attention.

"S-since wh-when do yo-you like to be th-the dominant one?" I teased as I struggled to resist moaning out right, unable to conceal the deep groans that slid past my lips.

"Since you said after Tristan was born I could touch you all I want~" she spoke softly, kissing down my chest.

I couldn't even respond after that, the sensations of her kissing my skin positively burning my will to resist as I started moaning softly.

She slid her tongue over my nipple cautiously, experimenting as I sighed softly, every drag of her tongue over my skin drawing out a moan.

"Elizabeth" I moaned softly, slipping one of my hands free and grasping her lower back.

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